Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

image: MV5BMTI4OTgxMjQzMV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMTcwODc4._V1._SY400_SX600_

One of the few movies i'm really looking forward to watch :)

There aren't that many movies out there which can compete with the atmosphere and style of the IJ movies when it comes to adventure movies <3333

and you really gotta say that Harrison Ford looks kinda young for his age :OOO

image: MV5BMTMwNjY2MDk2OF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTM5Nzk2MQ@@._V1._SY400_SX600_
i love indy !!!!! (no, the movies )
babababaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa bababa babababaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa babababaaaa
i always think he looks kinda old when i see the previews
or not :d ? edit omg he is.. "His father was Irish, his mother Russian-Jewish." that's the reason for his look
gonna watch it with some workmates next week :>
Hartz IV mates*
i only have schoolmates? :o

i meant i go watch it aswell next week but with schoolmates instead of workmates :D
indiana jones goes George W. Bush?
somehow i got the feeling that this will be an epic fail :/
the old movies were fun, but i dont know if they can make something equal again
love is hat ^^
how old is he now? 70? :X

shld be a cool movie
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