
failing math lol

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Good luck fine sir, if it were of any consolation I would inform you that yesterday's exam did not go favourably; forgetting how to set up a matrix to solve normal co-ordinates is not for the feint of heart, and neither is marking the 5 pages of scrawl which result.
i slept from 20:00-24:00, and should have done more studying in the last 6 hours...

luck is not going to help me here

I'm eating a huge bowl of pasta for "dinner"

I have no idea how to write for 3 hours without getting bored... I thought the 2 hour GCSE ones were tedious.
u suck, maths = ez
doing the math is easy

remembering sin/cosine rules, graphs, that i havent even learnt yet, is why I'm going to fail.

And by fail I mean get a C, which is still a pass.
shame, a C?

at least one of us has to fail here, it may as well be you.

to be fair though, I'd just go ahead and slit your wrists now.

damn C failer
fusen we need you back as superadmin :(
Tbh, if I get more than a U it means the paper was way too easy.
Sid Owen Howls 'Cos Angry Hermits Take Our Apples...
Some Old Horses Clumsy And Heavy Trod On Albert

late reply btw!
Depends on the type of math.
Math sucks anyway.
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