downloading mp3s

What's the name of this "new" site again?
They say you can download almost any song there. I forgot the name :(
The background was white and there was a red banner or button...
god bless the russians
first time in history
First time?!? what about JOSEPH STALIN!!
the russians are excellent people. a russian irl mate of mine says that there is more vodka than water
1 vodka bottle costs like ~ 1$ @ Russland
No wonder they are stupid fucks that looks like they've been raped with a shovel
I fully agree, beer is better anyway 8D
mh is it safe to dl?^^
I was wondering, too. But I need a lot of different songs fast, so fuck safety! :D
Step 1: Search a number on Youtube
Step 2: Website and Enter Video url below:
Step 3: Wait
Step 4: Download

But a lot of songs on Youtube have terrible audio and sometimes worse after converting it on similar websites =[

PS: to the SMART admin that delete's my cmt, or threads that i post those, since its a legal site i don't see the problem, all mp3 are streamed either from google search pages, or from a video hosting website, just done onthefly and with high quality, cheers.
wow i never heard about this website nice :D bye limewire
I will lol if the whole community gets busted for using that, including me :D
u cant get 'busted' for downloading music from that website as long as u dont put the songs on cd's and start selling them afaik
you dont know the rules here in germany
no as a matter of fact i dont >_<
illegal copys r a german hobby for years (Volkssport in german)...since u can put music on cassettes germans copy music illegal, videogames since C64 or Amiga and movies since VHS...
so it will always be an existing problem and only the top copiers (and sellers) will get punished! I dont know a single person, that doesnt have any illegal copied medium!

I also had to pay 1500 bugs to a german lawyer...i rejected all accusations generally and never heard anything of him again...1 month ago, german judges said its illegal how those lawyers accuse thousands of people. For 1 illegal music download the punishment cant be more than 100 Euro! It is also known that below 200 illegal downloads u wont get accused cause of lower interest (thats whre those "lawyers start to act and try to get money anyway)
In germany you can, there are serious business companys who track such things down (though I doubt thez can do it with such a website, care more about torrents)
read my comment...those lawyers dont have anything to do with SERIOUS bussiness
only German people will ^-^
Parent really fast/easy/save mp3 downloading
hahahaha :D
fucking great site. i nearly find all me wants
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