summerjobs :)

Are u going to summerjob?
How long u are there?
Which place and what u do there? :p

I go to sausage factory and im there likely whole summer. I think im gonna carry packages etc.
blowjob is better than no job
playing games to make money
Going 2 the school of my dad -> cleaning rooms; 4 days and brings ~500e +
i ll work 11 hours a day
a place with swimmingpools,i go clean swimmingpools.

i go drive a van, clean bit and have sex with sexy monokini ladies.
teaching kids to swim @ swimming hall, 6weeks
took a summer job on a bar 2 years ago now i run shithole pubs when im not at uni :<
still searching for a more permanent job :ASD maybe Finland varamiespalvelu
ettoo liian aikases :XD
no ei oo kyse pelkästää kesätyöstä nii eipä tohon mitää aikarajaa ole
gonna prepare schoolbooks that will be sent to different schools

i'm prolly gonna draw some penises inside LOL
Red Cross 1 Month
Some rape seed farm, picking raep LOL and such.
Wholesale dealer(or whatever. Warehouse with stuff for grocery shops and kiosks etc) for a month or two. Last year I earned ~£7100 in 2 months \o/
sailing instructor to both kids and adults
Don't know atm
maybe blow some palestine civilians up?
My 4 months vacations starts in 5 days. I will play games (GTA IV, x360 ftw!), read books (about wwII) and sleep. bb
Pomaturalne wakacje rzadza :D Co prawda czeka mnie jeszcze pisemna chemia i ustne polak i anglik ale pare dni i po wszystkim!

I'm most likely gonna work @ post office's warehouse to finally buy myself an electric guitarrr!
Ja swoje spedzam do dzisiaj w Angli. Nie mialem kasy na aplikacje na studia.Przykre ale prawdziwe. BB POLAND
A na dzienne nie dalo rady?
to tez kosztowalo .... 60 zl za jedna aplikacje ?

Zlozylem na jedne studia na jeden kierunek.Reszte kasy wydalem
(pozyczylem) zeby tu przyjechac i zarobic na akademik.
Jak sie pozniej dowiedzialem niefortunnie kierunek niepozorny
okazal sie najbardziej obleganym .. reszty nie musze mowic?

POVERTY i Nie kazdemu rodzice pomogli ...
Tak to bywa :/ Biologia we Wrocku raczej az tak oblegana nie jest zreszta maturki z bioli i angola zle mi znowu nie poszly no i mieszkam na miejscu wiec chyba bedzie dobrze ^^
I'm going to see if I can get a job at the local newspaper back home. I get paid for online work so I won't be desperate for money, generally because I don't spend much, but I'd like to do something outside and more mainstream ^^.
@ sk-gaming? if so, how much (if I may ask) ?
I ain't work:D
sth like that
still waiting for july and a summervacation, whole month without work and the shitty smell of resin solution! I so would prefer to not work at all from may till october.
Are you a carpenter?
me worked as a gardener, in a restaurant and atm im driving food for a partyservice !
work from 1. august - 31. august in hospital.. must clean rooms and furnish the eat
playing 3o3's
shift work, 2 months, good payment
I wish you were here to clean my room <3
2months 2 days a week, make 1100
With me inside and not too many pieces of clothing...
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