last day of school!

last day of school but i cant go in! =(

well i really want to...

but i still got this infection the tonsilitus

and its infected my lips and my gums and they really sting and hert and god knows what else.

so i dont think i can make it. i mean like when i move i want to cry.

and when i speak i cant say all my words probabley =(

i wish i was better =(((((((
h a h a ?
If you want to last a few hours without any pain from your throat,get really drunk.
It actually works but you pay for it the next day.
bad for you.. last days rock :k
2 bad for you.. get better.
i got holidays since a week :D:D:D
hi2u tekno :o
get well soon!
last day of school for my gf aswell and next week she got exams (maths, german, english and the week after at monday chemistry)

she's sick aswell :( bad time to get sick imo ;|

hope she will still do great exams

get well soon guy...your sickness sounds really bad =O
Get well!
stick some bonjela on it
put a mask and go?

im sry for you =(
Spreading the disease...
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