As sweet as my shit.

QuoteAs sweet as my honey
Posted by WunDaKinD on 16/05/2008 Forums » Cheaters
Dear lovely crossfire community,

I know about many people cheating but i am way too lazy to get all the proofs for each players;
so dear Kil|3RBoY, i am going to say you some names of people which are/were owner of a private bot.

I feel kinda sorry, since you were such a good player without your etBot. Too bad you met myth6s
and fucked up your own name with cheats + playing for bSTURZ. Well you dont need to believe me,
one guy told me he was @ bSTURZ comms when oGr got kicked for that Multihack thingie, few guys
might remember that one. Well back 2 topic and seNti were like "LOL, I am leaving to oGr now and
i will check his whole PC for cheats and if i find somthing i am really disapointed by oGr"

So the guy who was at there comms was a mate of oGr and he wanted to warn him;

<RandomPerson> watch out oGr, hide your etBot well because seNti is gonna search for it.
<oGr> lol wtf? seNti know about it
<RandomPerson> so seNti is hacking too gG
<oGr> omfg lol i trust you dont tell anyone

I am really sorry seNti, but you fucking FAiLED!

As you can read in the 'seNti story' oGr got kicked for Multihack and were like paranoid on vent,
always switching channels with myth6s and they were talking about etBot and oGr getting kicked
for Multihack and if the 'Randomperson' joins in their vent channel - sudden silence! But since i know
myth6s got etBot for ages and oGr later told that he got it too, its kinda clear - at least for me.

No need to speak about it, since he got busted by etBot list?

Just wanted too add your name in here, since you got busted:D::D:DD:Dd

Mate of zabija, even more obvious than him - nixCoder for sure.

Tooo long time ago to ban, and i dont even know if the screenshots ever got uploaded, when butchji
was busted for using wallhack. So forget about it... or ask FaKy if he still got that pbss :D:D:DD:D

Formerly known as heinZi and to be honest, he made many people cheat; players like myth6s & Soprano prolly
started hacking just because of him, i am not sure about myth6s tho but about Soprano.
Since 'manKz' had a nC Account with 4 different cheats for 3 different games (2 of them were for ET; etBot+Probot)
And he shared it with Soprano; as you can check on Fusenlist same nC nick for both; after realease of etqw,
mankz left ET and sold his nC Account to a unknown person. But its also old since he got busted by Fusengate.

Just cheated with manKz pr0bot, which is like 10 months ago? Or when etqw was released?

Nothing to say, stage cleared! Played him couple days ago, he is like medskill :X

Acting like he would be clean and making masssive damage? Beeing on Fusenlist?

Prolly whole crew of these nerds are cheating because if you think back ( like 6 months ) they were fucking low+, and this
is not a joke. People who know these guys know what i am talking about. And dont say its hard prac, for all the real highskillers out there, how long you needed to get your skills ( less than 6 months to be insane? ), and a good mate of mine told me that stownage is using wallhack... wouldnt surprise me

Even more ridiclious than stownage story, because he was even worser 6 months ago and now he is even better than Stownage, well prolly just the 6 months train with Scorch & jaN.

Eventhough if you played well on LAN Low+ Level, its just fucking funny what you are doing on the internetz lol.
You got busted before. If i remember you started your "new guid" with a fake nick Katakana? echeziel?, until someone
busted you for beeing Krest so you said yes im krest. HAHAHAHA you will fail again.

You are just fucking funny, dunno why noone wolfcamed you already.
Too bad you are on my list. xAv@et8oot

Sorry jaN that i forgot you, you should be at the top. But its just funny after Highbot not trusting in you anymore you dissapear from ET Scene, because Killer nearly had you on your balls, so you decided to quit before getting busted?
Best match of you was on ETTV on Braundorf when you were down at controls and tracking heads of 3-4 persons perfectly, when you werent able to see those guys.

A really weird guy always playing in his own clans, guess why so nobody can kick him. For all who played a couple of times vs him notice his wallhack kinda obvious since he dont hide it at all.

To be continued... got like 10 / 20 more i will post tonight ...

if you dont believe me i dont give a shit. These guys cheats for sure.

this list is a complete fail.

Naming well known hacker to get some attention doesnt make you cool.

Most proofs are some random thoughts of him:

I never belived Stownage cheated he was everytime on this med level.
"senti maybe cheats/ed not, sure" - WOW USEFULL INFO MORE OF THIS
bl4d3 isnt using linux, but some nixcoders' player, sure.
not sure about xAv but he were never raging shit outta us in 3on3's

You just destroy their reputation or even make this community even more retarded towards their behaviour with hackers.

If you need some attention cut your wrist like those emos always doing
He is hacking, obviously, I agree.

But he isnt a nixcoders hacker, nor he got linux.
Naming some random hackers doesnt bust them, aight?
If you need some attention cut your wrist like those emos always doing

same to you kkthxbye
Where is the point I want attention? - Posting this journal just should clear the fact that this list is just ridiclious bullshit.
with this journal you are absolutely graving for attention. You say this is bullshit? So where the hell is the sens in this journal? You just state your opinion which is pretty much useless, like those fags who say: "He doesn't cheat. I was at his house no cheats lolo". Nobody gives a shit. If those players don't cheat they can defend themselves and don't need someone talking for them.

So now you may flame me but what the fuck? The person stated his opinion about players who are quite suspicious anyway ~~. And really, everybody already heard about the mysterious-never-seen-pbss from butchji. So seriously don't be an attention whore and if you are one don't insult other attention whores.
No he said they ARE hacking, he said its a fact, not his opinion, theres the point.
I know about many people cheating but i am way too lazy to get all the proofs for each players;
so dear Kil|3RBoY, i am going to say you some names of people which are/were owner of a private bot.

they were/are owner of bots he didn't say they all ARE hacking but got a bot and maybe WERE hacking. BIIIIIIIIIIIG difference mate
so you support this "everyone hacks nowadays" behaviour?
because every goddamn newschooler cheats. Also those are, as I already said, quite suspicious people that everyone knows they're hacking ~~
ye and i dont get why you post their name than, like this is fucking quake where everyone stops playing with them. -__-
ye and i dont get why you post their name than, like this is fucking quake where everyone stops playing with them. -__-

you got absolutely no fucking clue and are just tired of doing nothing and therefore spamming on crossfire, right?

He posted the nicks to let everybody know that they cheat and this is based on his experience. Whats bad about sharing it? You sure are one of those like: OH TEH NOES need to do some brainless shit today hmm... AH YE LETS MAKE A JOURNAL AND REPLY TO LASKA WITH SOME USELESS SHIT TO MAKE HIM ENRAGE ~~
No, I mean everyone knows allready they are hacking, still nobody does something. Every ET player thinks "Oh lets wait, someone else will make the work for sure,its enough Iam knowning he is hacking." Nobody is caring, eventhough they are all hacking. I just explained my point to the writer of those busts in IRC and I think he got my point, and I doubt he isnt respectin it.

Case closed.
Btw this sense of the journal was to make you enraged, look at killerboy he is totaly raged now. He wont stop until he busted someone now, or look @ yourself, you are also raging.
Now everyone tries to get them, since they want to prove Iam wrong. Dont belive Iam that brickminded to think they are clean.

Iam now out, have a nice day, sorry for making you angry >:(
:D:D:D agree
ye was always laughing about this, should take hours in paint do to such pictures. :XD
Why is it destroying their reputation? Almost all of them on that list have already cheated, how can it get any worse? D:dD:d;d;d;ddd

And hacking != cheating ._____________.
I dont think stownage hacked, he played with hackers and is retarded, no doubt, but he isnt, maybe some day he will change his mind and stop playing with them, but you make it just worse with such shit.
Now now, I didn't mention names there, I said almost all ;]
But for what you just said, I now think he cheats!
I meant this in generall, day to day guys got accused which arent hacking, like squall ( by killerboy)
What? You're saying Squalliiiiiiiiiiiii is clean? O: no wai
editet the not hacking part.
i didnt said i think seNti cheats. I FUCKING KNOW IT

arC komm irc ich sag dir wer ich bin
welcher chan? :D
I thought this was funny regardless:
sagst dus mir auch? :<
this journal makes you cool
serious business
serious business !

image: relax3

no chainbreak with meh!
arrange some xray/anti3 cup, I'll play it.
i also know senti cheats. care
lol why am I not on the list?

oh yeah right, I'm already busted??!!! SURREEEEE
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