ie vs ff

Hi, need some opinions/info on internet explorer and firefox for an essay.

Not too bothered about which is better, more why it is better. Looking for details on reasons like security, flexibility, functionality or anything else that springs to mind.

Any help would be much appreciated :)
People still use IE?

random quote:
Quote"I use Internet explorer always have done always will do so thats my reason for liking it."
firefox is better because its faster and easier to use than internet explorer imo.
are there facts to say its faster rather than just perception?
many people still think internet explorer is a god...
funny but not all that helpful :)
FF = updated ( css, xhtml ) and not IE.
I use IE7 at work and FF2 at home

Only thing I noticed is that FF is faster when more tabs are open. And ofc the plugins for FF.

IE7 is doing the job pretty fine at work, but I prefer working with FF since I can customize it better.
I use ie and ff (ie only at work, ff with both)

FF plugins are a huge addon to free software, I use to get some weird viruses from random sites but with ff I have script blocking, so its safer. simple.

I just have more faith in FF =-)
Fear Factory vs Team Ireland 4:0 imo
cheers triflip and merl, some good stuff there.

The plugins on ff seem to be pretty much it's biggest selling point. Just allows it to do so much more than ie. Apart from this though im struggling to find facts to back up the opinions on security and peformance.

personally i still use ie, but its purely out of laziness because ff needs me to instal a bunch of plugins to watch video clips, show pages etc
I have always used Firefox, but recently started using Safari because it is really fast.

# How do I capitalize Firefox? How do I abbreviate it?

Only the first letter is capitalized (so it's Firefox, not FireFox.) The preferred abbreviation is "Fx" or "fx".

conventions aren't always agreed on officially, it's just what happens naturally.

Like a pub near me advertises, "buy your own drink" so they can ID everyone.. i say fuck off, buying rounds is convention!
I just use IE8 and i like it |8
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