wow and vent = prob ? [ger/eng]
16 May 2008, 14:12
hoi doodZ
does anyone know if theres a problem if u r playing wow and if u r speaking at vent?
theres always a weird backround sound if a mate of mine says something.
would be nice if someone could help.
does anyone know if theres a problem if u r playing wow and if u r speaking at vent?
theres always a weird backround sound if a mate of mine says something.
would be nice if someone could help.
pic almost related:
this pic is wow :D
That photo was just taken by a Fuji S9000, shame it's not a DSLR, but it's nice and light, decent settings and has a 28-300mm lens on it :>
cba to buy a dslr tbh
im ts isses ohne probs aber sobald ich mit ihm mal vent testen wollte wars halt da
so leicht im hintergrund hats gerauscht
würd generäl einfachmal sagen: vent settings vergleichen
falls ihr deutsche ventrilo version habt müsste man das bei "Generäle Optionen" ändern können
vor allem weil er nen bissl unfaehig ist =)
naja egal gehn wa halt ins ts 8D!