Foreigners @ Holland (dutch allowed)
16 May 2008, 18:22
< I do not intend or wish to offend anyone on this forum nor any readers outside the forum >
Ok, so this is getting too far in my eyes and I'm asking you guys for your opinion.
The dutch daily life is influenced by Turkish people (read foreigners) various times a day because of their so-called strength and lovely sentences who are intended to frighten your ass off. As a matter of fact, no one is really frightened but these kids should just fuck off.
We have reached the following era:
Turkish boys walk on the street, you are cycling on your bycicle over there and they just instantly scream - "FUCK YOU BUMHOLE" - without even having a glance what they look like. I'm not the type of guy to smack em on the face but I find it such poor when they scream such things.
It becomes even worse when such kids then scream in the newspapers and on the telivision that the Netherlands includes a lot of racism and Turkish and dudes from Maroc claim to be discriminated and we do not respect them.. pff.
Second example:
I was @ a football match for semi-professionals and one team was nearly totally Turkish of origin. Some lil turkish kid which was perhaps aged 4 or 5 sat next to me and he didn't agree with any decision made by the referee as the decision weren't in favour of his own team, he said. Later on I got a lil frustrated and asked the kid why he'd constantly blame the referee, and he simply said: "BECAUSE HE'S A FUCKING KANKER DUTCH MONGOL" (bare in mind he's aged 5 hey....)
Are we dutchies totally stupid or what?
Answer realistic please.
Ok, so this is getting too far in my eyes and I'm asking you guys for your opinion.
The dutch daily life is influenced by Turkish people (read foreigners) various times a day because of their so-called strength and lovely sentences who are intended to frighten your ass off. As a matter of fact, no one is really frightened but these kids should just fuck off.
We have reached the following era:
Turkish boys walk on the street, you are cycling on your bycicle over there and they just instantly scream - "FUCK YOU BUMHOLE" - without even having a glance what they look like. I'm not the type of guy to smack em on the face but I find it such poor when they scream such things.
It becomes even worse when such kids then scream in the newspapers and on the telivision that the Netherlands includes a lot of racism and Turkish and dudes from Maroc claim to be discriminated and we do not respect them.. pff.
Second example:
I was @ a football match for semi-professionals and one team was nearly totally Turkish of origin. Some lil turkish kid which was perhaps aged 4 or 5 sat next to me and he didn't agree with any decision made by the referee as the decision weren't in favour of his own team, he said. Later on I got a lil frustrated and asked the kid why he'd constantly blame the referee, and he simply said: "BECAUSE HE'S A FUCKING KANKER DUTCH MONGOL" (bare in mind he's aged 5 hey....)
Are we dutchies totally stupid or what?
Answer realistic please.
England is to poles, as a suspicious player is to killerboy. They completely rape it for no reason and everybody hates them.
The best thing about Britain, is it that it's most often Brits saying walking around on the streets yelling at people.
Pieter Post ftw
I love foreigner lives in a country,are getting everything like others but say e.g "this country sux so fucking hard,you're all assholes"
That just makes no sense at all, lol.
uiteindelijk zijn het gewoon een stel losers
Mja, wat je eraan kunt doen is natuurlijk moeilijk. Het wetboek komt dan weer tevoorschijn, en de 2 regeltjes met: "Je mag zeggen wat je wilt, je mag altijd je mening geven", en "Je mag mensen niet kwetsen" (in grove lijnen dan)..
. Die mensen bedoel ik ;)
En dat zijn er best veel iig...
Maar ik kan me ook wel voorstellen wat Inscr bedoelt. Criminaliteit en wangedrag is onder allochtonen procentueel een stuk hoger. Ik kan me ook behoorlijk irriteren aan tuig dat de conducteur uitmaakt voor racist, als ze weer eens geen kaartje gekocht hebben.
Het meeste zorgen baart het me, dat de grenzen zienderogen verdwijnen. Als een of ander straatjoch vroeger brutaal was tegen iemand, dan kreeg ie een draai om zijn oren en dan was de zaak afgedaan. Maar tegenwoordig kun je maar beter niet reageren, anders heb je opeens "grote broer" met een mes of pistool tegenover je staan. Ook de kinderen zelf lopen op steeds jongere leeftijd met wapens rond. Eerst kon ik het nog wel een beetje van me af schuiven door te denken dat het een probleem van de grote steden was, maar tegenwoordig kan het overal gebeuren.
neem me 7 broers wel mee
ik leen je wel een paar van me broeders, staan we gelijk!
eens kijken of je kkacc je hier ook zal helpen xd
Vieze allochtoon ! Ga terug naar je eigen land man !! Profiteur !! Jij profiteert van het Ned. Onderwijs, steelt eerlijke Nederlanders hun werk en hun wijfies !!
Daar hou ik niet zo van !!
although I must admit, chinese people(all asians actually) that come to live here are extremely polite, all of them, we only have problems with people that come from countries in the neighbourhood
now we mostly have problems with children of people that came into our country during the war because they are disrespectful towards the country that basically raised them and they are still on the balkan mentality, but you can only blame the parents in cases like that
I'm generalizing too much now
You could even see that kind of behaviour when Eastern Germany got re-united with Western Germany. At first everyone was happy to get some support and every little present made them feel rich even if it was just a banana or something.
But after a while, they started to get greedy up to the point that they demanded a car, a nice house and even someone to pay for their holiday. They assumed the government would pay for that, while they were just hanging on the sofa at home being unemployed.
Then you have the other type: well educated parents coming from the big turkish cities who feel repressed by their state. Their children most likely will speak good *enter random western language here*, visit University and will have many western friends. These people hate the rednecks I mentioned first because they are the cause for the bad reputation of their folks.
Wat ik zelf hier altijd zie is klapjosti's van ca. 13-15 jaar oud die de Burger King onveilig maken 's nachts, totaal geen respect tonen voor iemand die buiten de groep valt, oudere mensen en zwervers lastig vallen en dat soort dingen. Zodra er wat van gezegd wordt is het enige dat je terug kan verwachten een grote bek :D
Ik denk ook dat het onrechtvaardig is om het op afkomst af te stempelen, want ik ken genoeg Afrikaanse dan wel mensen uit het Oosten die gewoon normaal zijn/denken/etc. Wat ik wel eerlijk moet zeggen is dat ik anders in omgang ben tegenover verschillende (raciale) groeperingen als ik de persoon niet goed ken, wat jammer genoeg misschien wel op vooroordelen is gebaseerd. Ik zou bijvoorbeeld tegen een groep allochtonen een andere bek opentrekken dan een groep autochtonen, simpel als dat.
Opvoeding speelt ook een grote rol. Als je ouders josti's zijn, word jij geen Einstein
Het is een beetje een kip-ei verhaal. Zolang ze zo blijven samenklitten, zit niemand erom te springen om ze in hun wijk te hebben. En zolang ze dus niet gemengd worden, zijn ze aan hun lot overgelaten tussen de verkeerde mensen en proberen zich zelfs overal tegen af te zetten.
need prisoncamps for people with an IQ below 100
ik erger me er net zoals jij de ***** aan en ben na een voetbalwedstrijd ook weleens thuis gekomen met laten we zeggen vrij rasistische ideeen.
ik denk dat hard aanpakken geen fuck zal helpen, maar dat de regering eens zou moeten praten met deze mannetjes en ze proberen te helpen, willen ze dat niet...toch maar preventief ruimen dan.
Deze rat heeft wel gelijk
rood aansmeren word wel met de dag makkelijker!
The only thing I dont like is when people come to our country and dont live by our rules or complain about our country - if they dont like it, they should just leave.
Je moet gewoon blowen weet je.
Ofcourse I do understand that they come from an other culture. Where men are dominant and where they have very strict idea's. But they live in Holland now, and they should stick with our rules.
In my city and I guess it's the same case in a lot of french cities :
Considering they're less than 18 years old or sometimes even more than 18 years old
Algerian immigrants : Extremely racist against native french people , violent and rude , I haven't met any exception (in my city) so far since the 10 years I've been living here
Tunisian immigrants : A lot of them are ok , polite and such , but there's exceptions.
Maroccan : Same as tunisian
Asiatics : Nice people generally , polite and hard-working (GENERALLY)
East-european people : Dunno ... sort of weird ... The few I know are that's it lol
Again there's exceptions everywhere , but hearing native french kids being ASHAMED to be born in the country they're living in just makes me go sadface.
Immigrants that came after WWII and before were hard-working , almost slaved people , that deserve their right to be called French more than anyone else.
Nowadays , immigrants are their sons ... Lazy , racist , wrongly educated pieces of scum dealing drug , raping people , killing people , making shit rap eventually ...
What should we do ?
Same as swiss - You don't have a job , you don't get a place to live.