N64 !!!

Edit: Ok, all u 24/7 xfire refreshers seem to have seen this in a previous journal or smth, sorry, I was at work and went to sleep after that immediately... Changed journal now :/

Yay, managed to get myself a N64 today, and tuesday another one, with Conkers Bad Fur Day!

Atm have these games:
Mario 64 (duh)
Mario Kart 64
Zelda Ocraina Of Time
Banjo Kazooie
Snowboarding 180

Conkers has the best singleplayer ever made, and multiplayer also rox. Gonna organise some random LAN soon with sum friends and play it. For everyone who doesn't know what Conkers Bad Fur Day is, shame on you, and go download a N64 emulator + Conkers rom, now, immediately!!!
why am I not in your shoutout and quote list?! :<
wut to quote =<
our worstjes gesprek
i found it and its edited :D!
wnb buster!
dude get donkey kong, james bond goldeneye and perfect dark!
Perfect dark was awesome. And Mario Party with 3 friend = epic
Ive got it since 99 <3
N64!!!!!!!!!!!!! I bought one for 125 euro, got this:
4 Controllers
Memory Expansion Pack
Rumble Pack
Gameboy Transfer Pack

- Zelda:OoT + MM
- Goldeneye
- Diddy Kong Racing
- Donkey Kong
- Mario Kart
- Mario Party 1+2
- Banjo Kazooie 1+2
- Conker's Bad Fur Day
- Pokemon Stadium
- Hot Wheels Turbo Racing
- Super Mario
- Paper Mario
Heh, got mine for free ^^

2 Controllers

- Mario 64
- Mario Kart 64
- Zelda Ocraina Of Time
- Banjo Kazooie
- Snowboarding 180

Buying another one this tuesday for 30 euro's, it has these things:
4 Controllers
Memory Expansion Pack
Rumble Pack

- Conkers Bad Fur Day
- Mario 64 (selling this one)

Also I'm getting a SNES in a week, with 200 games or so and 2 controllers, for 40 euro's ;)
that's really worth it, spend for mine like - now a days - 200€ or something and only got 40+ games + 6 controllers :( get it, get it, get it :)
I also wanna buy a b&w gameboy, and a color gameboy

also atari will be in my collection soon (as soon as I can find an affordable one :D)
i own a n64.

games you MUST get or die:

Zelda: Majora's mask (better than oot in so many ways, although oot seems irreplaceable)
Perfect Dark
Super smash bros (if you have like 4 controllers you can spend like 24 hours playing it non-stop with buddies, trust me)
jet force gemini is really fun

anyways, just finish the games you have first :>
You should get Paper Mario too, its godlike. And if you fancy Banjo Kazooie also go for Donkey Kong.
Personally, I am looking for Perfect Dark and the Star Wars games, cant think of anything else, I would want.
dude u need jet force gemini <3
that game is just epic =)
oh indeed, i rember the whole days i payed with my friends ;) bestshooter for N64 so far :)
ye that co-op part <3 or just death match :D
You have to play the co-op part to get the blue ant, haven't you? It's so long ago... :)
ye to long...

i think i will set up my n64 2morrow and play some jet force gemini
omg! some of the best games ever! Jet Force Gemini!
really wish i never sold mine... =(
Conkers Bad Fur Day rocks!
ble i got more games + conkers bad fur day isnt that good
My stuff :
- 8 controllers (4 broken (imitates) , 4 available (original)
- games :

Super Mario64
Mario Kart64
Super Smash Bros.
Mario Tennis64
F1 Pole Position64 (96)
F1 World Grand Prix
World Driver Championship
Diddy Kong Racing
Donkey Kong 64
Banjo Kazooie
Banjo Tooie
Lylat Wars
Pokemon Stadium
Pokemon Stadium 2
Bomberman Hero
NBA Jam 99
NHL Breakaway 98
Tonic Trouble
Rayman 2 : The great Escape
Mario Party 2
Yoshis Story
Penny Racers
Star Wars : Rogue Squadron
Toy Story 2
Virtual Chess64
Lego Racers
Racing Simulation 2

- 4 controller packs
- 1 rumble pack
- 2 Pokemon Stadium packs (for playing editions on N64)
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