The Decision

I'm leaving ET behind, for good now. I haven't touched it for over 2 weeks, noticed that there's absolutely no reason to play anymore.

I discovered ET back in 2003 and I've played it ever since, though I kept one year break because of army. I thought it was over but because I missed this community - I had to come back. I've never been anything else but "pubber", even though I tried clangaming as well - only for short period. Those clans were ffb, JERMU and cc. I'd like to say hi to all the players from those clans, I know some of em' still play and visit this site.

In almost 5 years i've had couple of different nicnames. I started as supreme back in 2003, then Moor and finally shepherd. You also might have seen me playing under nick fin|matti. I've spent most of the time in Cybergames -servers and I want to say hello to all the people i've played with in there.

I've also been part of following communities, BBBSweden and Both have been dead for quite a while now, but in both communities I met wonderful people both online and in real life. One of those persons is irZ which I want to thank for being true friend to me.

As you might guess, this also means the end for Crossfire Department. I haven't made new comics in weeks. But if there's someone who'd like to continue drawing them, I'll send all the data you need to keep it living. If not, the site will vanish next week. Guess i'll keep browsing this site for a while at least...

Special shoutouts to irZ, Arachon, Noorgrin, Gahn, Steelrat and so on...
Eat shit and die!
old,but a good one
Which makes it the exact opposite of you, youngster.
du bist gerade mal, auf den tag genau, 2 jahre älter als ich und et spielen kann ich auch besser als du.

was wollteste mit dem comment also ausdrücken sir?
image: 7219_xfair

Come down there
Nice edit.

I was enjoying the view.
your one of the problems retard
I'm the reason the game sucks? Cool.
cu at the next nC bust list
Been there, done that.

And why would I purchase hacks for a game I don't even play?
ask that yourself moron
Why should I? An imaginary event like that is not of my concern.
A loss for the community and I'm not being sarcastic , hope to you see again someday sheperd :(
i hope you dont come back
Member For: 6 months and 22 days

Member For: 1 year, 1 month and 4 days


bibuy, i dont know so but have fun anyway
Except he's the retard flaming the community , fagget
not flaming community.. you must have taken me for the wrong guy..
" brumu on 17/05/08, 13:12:52 PM | Reply

i hope you dont come back "

While he's 10000000000 times more important than you here
i know people who would say different
oh yeah, ur comics are even more impressive.... oh wait, u dont do any comics....

epic fail
Dont talk to him hes very important
you r one step closer to being important after making this comment
who cares about comics these days.. there is so much other things which are way more fun and more important .. if you want a comic go read mickey mouse
i know people who would say different

btw: n1 english
yeah i hope you have a mirror in front of you, coz there is no flaw in that sentence.. its just more advanced english that your simple mind cant take ;)
actually there are a few flaws ;)
there is never any flaw in what i say
hey, can you settle something for me?

are you trolling?
wtf is trolling?
you are the one getting megatrolled by this guy


I'm happy aslong as crossfire-department disappears.
This community is so retarded and this guy's troll so bad , I might have been mistaken , but to me he's just acting like 80% of crossfire.
Make a final bb comic O:

waiting for the "cu in 2days" comment
cu in 2days
cu in 2days
haz annyone seen my sokcs?
ask pedobear
see you in 2 weeks
gl in the future
Gl in your next time!

see you next week
Please don't give crossfire-department to anyone... unless you give it to someone that a) can actually draw, b) has a sense of originality, and c) has a sense of humor and will include jokes sometimes.
I knew it from the beginning that the comic wouldn't be original, not pretty and not funny for everyone. Still, there were people who enjoyed them and people who didn't. I won't give the data to ANYONE, but a person who can actually continue working with it. If no one applies, the comic is gone forever and that's what you're hoping for right?
Aza just bought a 2000€ tablet PC

but he would never accept.

dont really know why i bothered telling you this
=( hope to see ya soon again
He has been dead for a long time :(
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