Aim stability

What's the secret to keep a good allaround aim? A few weeks ago I lowered my mouse sens and everything went so smooth, headshots and acc. Now I just can't seem to focus... My hand gets to much after the target and I can't seem to be able to stabilize it. What's wrong with me? :-s.
its cause u touch urself at night
low sens, high dpi, more public or 3on3 games
fail, low dpi and high sens.
0,79 sens @ 2000 dpi
why are you using 2000 dpi
at first i had my g5 is like 2 years ago r smthng, didnt really know what dpi is :P but yeh i like it

but is it bad or something?
negative accel when you use so low sens + high dpi
That is just retarded.

low sens + low dpi
dpi = sensitivity
dots per inch.. in your mouse?
it only alters the sensitivity of the mouse, contrary to marketing hype, it doesnt make your mouse more accurate, it just increases the sensitivity. so playing with 4000 dpi and 0.5 sensitivity is pointless and just gives you negative accel
- no accel , no enhanced pointer precision
- clean mousepad and skates
learn to play n00b
lower your sens

-keep the same settings (sensitivity, fov, r_mode, maxfps, crosshair)
-play publics and 3on3
-the best result you get when you arent concentrating 100% :D
-good combination of mouse and pad
change sens again xD
try to make that your crosshair is always on 1 level/line/whatever (head ofc)
I think that's an option, but I'm already deep into rl not to care much about ET. Focusing is a problem.
You dont really need to be _focused_ to aim and play good. Try the relaxation like Squall said :> Buy some drugs XD
practicing and even more practising
I don't have time for it. College and other stuff :).
but changing ur settings wont make u good from one day to the other
thats the point. to play well you need to... play! :-)
It's easy

- don't change your settings
- don't overdo practicing
yea thats pretty much it... I have noticed that it doesnt matter do you play 5 hours or 1 hour per day. :P
the elite cs players, play around 12 hours a day.
another reason CS sux for
if they boot they play even more =)
well, true, short before some major events (wcg etc.) they rly train that much. But in general, when you reached high skill in cs. its enough to play 3-4 times a week a couple of hours to hold it.
Just download perfo's cfg and you will be highskilled :P
get ur head outta perfo's ass plz
don't stick ur nose in my shit
u mean perfos shit, dont ya
stop flaming me you depressed child
im really sorry mr, im gonna cut out my wrists.
dont change anything, get used to your sens, movement etc?
congratz you are alcocholic :D know you need to drink befor match m8 :P
I'd say go to your doc. and ask him if he can help you to aim better in a game...
i read that in usa in a major lan party the players took drugs to improve their reflex and therefor their aim :D
its because the prices there are mega big :<
ye it's true I use about 0.2kg drugs per month to play better
whatever i can get
if u have cocaine send me some kk :D?
play vs low
dont play too much. just as much as your clan practises
stop playing pubs
400 dpi
default windows sens
no accel
no drivers
sens 2.6 - 3.0 (~midsens)
mx518 / 510 / 310 preferred
+ a little practice
= good aim.
why did u fail then?
"= good aim"
then u should be around medskill atleast, but u aint :<
i am actually, and not xfire medskill
i dont play much ET anymore though, so if i played you recently then i dunno - i play a mix 3on3 with m8s once a week so obviousy my aim is rusty
take a sens u like dont play public dont play 3v3 find a good or fun clan and play 6v6 w them
had that to! played good for some time, then played bad again for long! my skill got somewhat stable after i played at cdc, guess its all in your head!:P drink enough water! helps you focus! and clear the mind!
I think ill try to sleep longer :).
need help with netlimiter 2 pro
plz /q TheoDor
I noticed that I aim better, when I change stuff, but only until I got used to the new settings. (Low sens vs faster sens etc)
For a long time I couldn't decide what to use and thought about changing the sens before every match, so it would fit to my current mood. (For example, when I don't play for a week, the sens sometimes feels too fast or too low, so I used to change it .) But it takes just too much time and makes your aim even more unstable.

I'm still trying to find a way to remove all binds needed for fighting from the mouse. It would be much easier to aim if you just had to move the mouse, without pressing a button on it. But you have to control movement (+sprinting and crouching) and shooting with one hand and it's very difficult to find a good keyboard layout.

Some more tips:
Don't play too much, but play regularly. If you notice your concentration drops, take a break and do something else if possible.
Don't play when you're angry.
Before important matches, go on an empty server and run around a bit to warm up (hand/eye coordination). Imo playing a complete warmup-match is a waste of time and energy.
Watch replays of your games and think about why you lost control (not enough space on the mousepad / did you "overaim" with the mouse / did you move wrong or too much?). Then think about how to avoid these situations.
I'm still trying to find a way to remove all binds needed for fighting from the mouse.

really nice idea, going to try that ;>
N1 reply. I think ill watch some demos now. Thanks.
I tryed to press the mouse harder on the pad with the force balanced on the right side. It seems to be much better.
change ur +forward to fire and mouse1 to +forward
Already tried that :D
Felt very weird and I was too lazy to try to play with it for some days. But you're right this would probably be the best way to do it, because +attack is the only action I have bound on the mouse when fighting and you don't necessarily need to run forward in fights.
Quote Before important matches, go on an empty server and run around a bit to warm up (hand/eye coordination).
So just walk around in an empty server? Don't think that will help anything tbh
Hmm it's a bit hard to describe. I check my positions, try to improve my movement. Maybe think about how enemies attacked in last games and how I can react to make it better this time. If you're a fop you can throw some airstrikes, or practice some shots as a rifle. Also aim at random objects, do some jumps etc. It doesn't require much time, maybe 5-10 minutes but I think it's better than playing whole warmup matches. I never said it's the best thing to do for you :)
care @ settings
what really counts is training with them
can someone tell me how to clean my QcK mini steel pad thingy?
I have the same problem tbh :P Tried simple washing but that doesn't seem to work.
get good settings, keep them for the rest of your gaming carrier (not joking).
Change your settings as rarely as possible (I recently got a new cfg and my aim is absolute shite now - yeah I know it was shite before but now it's even worse!), practice n stuffz
Not going to tell you my secret :'(
secret to what?
this would sound more convincing if mAus, azatej, butchji or someone similar said it.
I was waiting for somebody who was naive enough to reply to this. Too bad you didn't seem to have spotted the sarcasm, awww ;<
So you had Feuersturm.cfg or still have?
higher your sensitivity! always worked for me
wank enough
mAus must be doing that alot :o)
as some of you noticed, almost everyone gave his own method which prove that there isnt a rule for better aiming...
everyone should find his own way !
theres one 100% way to get ur aim stable - haxhaxhax
juu iz 2 smart
play 3on3 only
no pubs, u gotta be concentraded or ure going to be fucked up
It's all in your mind, you just need to be relaxed but at the same time focused.
or you just buy a bot
Don't take the easy way out!
if you play too much it fucks you up.. keep the same sens.. relax and play. if you are too fucking tired, don't force it.
DL "aiming by raziel"
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