New map.
17 May 2008, 20:02
At the moment I'm making a new map. This map is fairly small. Kind of the size of braundorf but is more focussed on long distant aiming. It's comparable to ET_ice.
But what I was wondering is what would YOU like in a map? I need some nice ideas to put into the map. Objective based or just a few funny ideas to put in it. Don't make it too difficult since I'm not really the best mapper.
Thanx and bibuy.
At the moment I'm making a new map. This map is fairly small. Kind of the size of braundorf but is more focussed on long distant aiming. It's comparable to ET_ice.
But what I was wondering is what would YOU like in a map? I need some nice ideas to put into the map. Objective based or just a few funny ideas to put in it. Don't make it too difficult since I'm not really the best mapper.
Thanx and bibuy.
but good luck any way
and objectiveruns!
flagspawns and objective runs
An elevator is nice :D
Include some more Beethoven
Include some water
I forgot : Make it FPS Rate-friendly like adlernest or supply 8(
first of all spawns SHOULDNT be too close and easy to reach, this will result in spawnkilling problems.. like on supply depot with the cp.. braundorf is the perfect pub map, you should take example from it a lot!! give it atmoshpere.. make it a map at night! and make it in africa or somehintg.. like goldrush atmoshpere.. perhaps you could call this map the palace?? make the fight occur in and around a palace? like a arabian palace.. should make it a good fps map so dont make too much openspace.. and dont make hard to caluclate objects.. fps should be priority
gl and thx to bring some new maps , at least try :)
No truck/tank etc. imo ..but that's not a neccessary
Maximize fps - so the map should take place indoor as much as possible
Keep it simple, don't make a maze
The surface should be straight, like in braundorf.. - not too hilly or curved
Last(even first or whole map) is closed, in some room or building(braun, adler, frost).
Now look at supply, goldrush, radar, bremen... Yeah...
Stop making CS maps for a game like et. Please.
1 flag capture 1 cp, 1 wall to brake @ 15 mins would be cool..