18 May 2008, 13:03
This program keeps track of your hits/clicks and how much km's you moved with your mouse! quite useless but still funny to see its also some competition who has the most clicks aka a nerdbattle!
you can join our team but you need to be in lli then to fight for the nr1 position wootwoot!
This program keeps track of your hits/clicks and how much km's you moved with your mouse! quite useless but still funny to see its also some competition who has the most clicks aka a nerdbattle!
you can join our team but you need to be in lli then to fight for the nr1 position wootwoot!
flame on
hihi :D
but stopped using that shit
faesti has been a participant since 2004-08-12 (49 months ago), and in that time has typed 19,407,646 keys, clicked 5,726,856 times and moved his or her mouse for 0 miles. Averaging 0.16 keys and 0.05 clicks per second. This user last sent a pulse to this server on 2008-04-26 06:52:05 and has sent a total of 804 pulses overall. faesti lives in Finland.
ffs, cant log in because i dont know the profile key :D