i need so much help! =(
i got my GCSE tommorow for (Maths Non - Calculator) and since ive been ill for a week my brain is completely dead.

So has any one got any suggestions such as Websites.

Or ways you revised?

help =(
smoke some weed, helped me on my maths exam but we could use calculater.
me too mate =[

go on bytesize or mymaths i guess

good luck mav !
which subjects
im praying to everygod i know xD
You pray to Odin and you will pass.
He sacrificed his eye to try at the well of wisdom to gain the knowledge of the past present and future.
me writes philosophy, physic and politic next week + have to make an essay in geography about climate change xDDDDDD

what a shit week...ah has birthday too then
play dr. kawashima on the ds ! works for me !
GTFO the pc and grab the mathbook
if you need help with anything, pm me on irc or reply here

I A*'d your test so I could probably help :P

i would offer help with ways to revise, but I never have and I don't know how :|
get gmx working right again and all ur problems will be solved, i swear!
and now your work at tescos!
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