oh wow
Razer Goliathus
18 May 2008, 20:37
the newest mousepad by razer, just like the mantis the goliathus is available in either speed or control
source: www.razerzone.com
source: www.razerzone.com
in the butt
do you wanna do it?
in bettina's butt?
let's do it in his butt
how's your uberawesome band
nearly finished recordings, got a few live gigs coming up soon, also bandbattle in october :)
Kewl : )
me haz it np
I like it
me want that
:0 me wants
i forgot to tell them i changed my name to Kiewan, woeps
lol speedlink is so retarded imo. they only produce and produce and produce new shit but its not even getting better.
Nice :c