red alert 3 gameplay!!! :~>

yes first gameplay video is out
both usa and soviet russia are in here, but we dont see yet the third army which is the empire of the rising sun !

have fun :O)
Didn't have fun :O)
Didn't have fun :O)
I had fun, but i don't show it :O)
Didn't have fun :O)
Had fun :O)
My opinion so far:

GFX update of RA2 with some random shit added (could be a random lowskill mod)
Same soundtrack (not even a fkin new hellmarch :@, lazy bums), and same ingame sounds (female voices, etc...), thus showing them to be lazy cunts (I wanna bet they won't change the sounds before the game is finished)
Prolly the same shitty EA mouselag gameplay
Graphics look like fucking viva pinata

how can u determine soundtrack from a simple trailer peek? and the graphics aint that bad, better like that than black and white, not to mention antialiasing n shit prolly wasnt used by the trailermaker when capping ingame footage.
listen to the sounds ingame, and u'll know what I'm talking about ;)
what do they have to do with soundtrack?
Indication of the possibility being really large that they are just as lazy @ soundtrack as with ingame sounds :/
My opinion so far:

GFX update of RA2 with some random shit added (could be a random lowskill mod)
Same soundtrack (not even a fkin new hellmarch :@, lazy bums), and same ingame sounds (female voices, etc...), thus showing them to be lazy cunts (I wanna bet they won't change the sounds before the game is finished)
Prolly the same shitty EA mouselag gameplay
Graphics look like fucking viva pinata

looks kewl but i dont think this 1 is gonna b better then RA1/2
9.2 - 963 votes

how easy people eat up shit nowadays*
mainstream / casual gamers -.-'
you should get c&c generals zerohour.. and then google for mideast crisis mod ;> it will change the sides to Israel and Syria.. and the units r just amazing
also very cool upgrades and special attacks
YouTube - C&C Generals - Zero Hour - Israel Mod
generals = worst cnc ever tbh
maybe zero hour makes it A BIT better, but the engine is just so fubar that it makes the game unplayable (well, not normal naiz 2d RA gameplay :/ )
lol generals worse cnc ever?? bro i have been there sicne ra 1.. bro that shit is well powerful.. CHINA FACTION OMFG??? there is no units like that.. they r fucking crazy.. but I was talking about mideast mod.. this is different from the original.. you play with israel and syria.. the youtube clip I showed you is ok.. but they could have made it much better coz they dont show much of the units and abilities.. but im sure you will never find out just how amazing it is to play with israel.. its great atmoshpere .. anyways peace out bro cant wait till the next oblivion
most shitest release ever
you dont know what you r talking about.. I dont rly like usa or taliban.. but I love playing with China.. and who ever thinks that it sucks to play with CHINA they can suck my dong.. those units r well illio.. and the sound and visual effects are massive.. but mideast crisis mod is totaly different from the original.. so go smoke dough bro
hmm nice but israeli army dont use those colors :d
we use olive green
and our jet planes sure not stored under a net xD
and i saw some weapons we dont even use or have :<
and for the final, we can lunch an atom strike from space with Jericho mark 3
but gg mod anyway :p
there is a lot more then there is in that video, for example you can upgrade to the merkava tank which is a huge and fast tank.. with some nice upgrades.. basically there is an upgrade called specialised technology which allows you to specialize either in tank, infantry or air warfare.. meaning you get special units in one of those categories and you also get a nuclear rocket probablly a jericho.. also you get cruise missile attacks (max 3) which you can keep on buying and sending... yeah all in all makes up for some very exciting combat, also they made the mod so that the enemy forces you to really think about tactics .. you have to use a combination of things to win... and there is also a new mideast crisis mod 2 but that will be for a the latest C&C game tyberian sun i think..
red alert 1 cant get beaten imo
true, but its getting kinda boring after all these years and it has some incompability problems with xp, nothing that couldnt be fixed but still.
sad but true :(
Didn't have fun.
For Mother Russia!
mä otan yheksän upm kymmenestä
Didn't have fun :O)
Looks nice, Im glad it looks very like ra2 that's what you want sometimes if it ain't broke don't fix it.
looks awesome
hellmarch is epic song and I would be really dissapointed if it werent in ra3 so cant understand the whine about it, besides its just a trailer, using the most known ra song maybe for the very same reason.
Enjoying Command n Conquer 3 Kane's Wrath :)
I wouldnt mind if it was the same as RA2, except for some units, story and a new army, simply because RA2 already rocked!
yes i thought the same, but i think they will surprise us in the end with a very cool game, with different sounds and music then this trailer.
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