AMD x2 6000+ + Mouse

Iam going to buy a AMD X2 6000+ CPU (2x3Ghz) today, after it my PC is as good as the one of my biggest fanboi Netherlands Dezire.

Furthermore my mx518 broke once more after 6 months, so Iam asking you, should I buy again a MX518 or a other mouse. I got 5L Steelseries pad.

thx in advance
g5 pfff
buy 6400
6000 is 100€
6400 is 140€ (over 1/3 higher price for 200 mhz is a bit retarded isnt it?)
You can easly overclock 200 mhz :D
I should get a 6400 and overclock that
Doesnt get any better feature expect those 200mhz.
i have 6400+ Black Edition and its a bitch to cool :P
since you are a complete retard, but I'm no asshole i gonna help you...

buy a Q6600 .. yes it's a quadcore.. 4x2.4 and available for 140euro

2nd.. your mouse in general stands in no relation with your pad.
it's necessary, that it feels good in your hand (shape, weight etc)
the mousefeet are the important point!

since i use an icemat, my skatez are fucked up very often... but a bonus for logitech owners is, that you can reorder new mousefeet for free. perfect for me... if u r used to play with a mx518 keep it... since razer is asian shit with broken cords after 2 months and shit like that

logitech is quality my friend!
Like listed below, I'am still using AGP and there arent any board with AGP and new sockets.

Furhtermore I wont buy a quadcore anyways since ET just uses one Core. (Same for CS:S)

Thx for the mousefeet advice, I will stick to Mx518 than. :D
ur not going to play bioshock, cod4, etqw etc?
they dont support quads.
dunno since i don't play these games... but future games will support it for sure... and overclocking the q6600 to 4x3ghz is np
I agree in the oc part. I got one myself and indeed, [email protected]. No shit with voltage etc.
But I dont think much games will support quad core in a year or 2. Think how much games support dual, and how long dual core already avi is.
it has something to do with offer and need
there will be more quads sold in future... means for the industry, they have to feed the need (sounds strange, but i hope u'll understand :D) so games will support quad in future.

also the industry wants to go on and sell even more powerfull cpus... octacores are underway! :P
Yeah I got economics so i know what you mean:p But still, if you want the best performance now, you should go for dual. If you don't want to change your cpu in a few years, get a Quad.
so i bought my system with a far look into the future :P
Same here:D
h3h3, Mr. Not the config makes the player but the player makes it, upload yar cfg pl0x. :p
secret... noone has ze r341 one!11
h3h3, show me a picture from it ^^
lol ask somebody for pbss :P ... i get my new pc @ wed an i will use highdetailed cfg then anyway
rich bitch? =P, and what do you mean you will use highskilled cfg then? WHAT SKILL HAS TO DO WITH NEW PC/CFG o_O
Got allready stable fps on highest details with my old settings in bioshock. For further games I think it will take over 2 years until quad core is really usefull, and until than there will be allready higher multicores.
quad core is relatively useless for anything other than multitasking, and I doubt he needs that

fast dual core is much more better solution for gaming, and will be for the next 18 months
Core2 Duo E8400
and MX518 ofc
Iam still using a AGP Gcard so its kinda hard to get a Intel board with AGP slot :)
buy MX500 if you can find one, best mouse ever
What's so special/good about/in this mouse?
I once read a review were the MX500 beats every mouse in preformance (almost non neg. accel etc).

But still the shape of the mouse is the most important imo, if the mouse isn't made for your hand you can't play decent with it.

A mosue just has to feel good to be good (if it doesn't skip etc).
hol dir en intel
Buy a G5. I have mine since 2 years and its still working fine
anything but g5
G5 with QPAD CT = instant win
for 5L mx518 is the best choice
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