This time tommorow!

I will have finished university forever and ever and ever!!!!!!!!!!!

Only one small problem of a shitty assignment that I really cant be arsed to write/finish, but I'm looking forward to the reward of being FREE!!!

4 more years to go
great but i still have 2.5 years left then 3 years at army then university or something else :/
LOOOL 3years @ army. :o
In hungary u needed to go to army for 6months (or less) and now if u want go in u can, but not needed :>>
ya ur dead in 2.5 yrs jew will rule all world
Finish it!
I've a two hour test on Thursday then I am free for the summer, not sure what I am going to do, but I need a way to pay my overdraft off lol.
nice, gl in watever you do after uni
3 more days ( 2 exams) left of highschool \o/
exams of my first and 2nd year starting in 2 weeks, after that 2 years to go-_- stupid uni

but still i wonder how you managed to complete this with all the Gaming-related obligations! Are you just that smart? Or did you bribe with your game-millions?
I smell hax.

I assume this means that you now have time to do ETTV shoutcasts every week.
exams + 4 more years for meh :E
same for me :(
I still need 3 more years (if i dont fail at any of them) :<
i only have like what, 2 regular courseweeks and 2 weeks of exams left, and thats leaving out resit weeks :XX

wd anyway :(
what a day, what a night for tosspotts parents
congratulations sir
22 and finishing university, that's an example of one fine student
Starting in autumn...
respect, my time will come in about 2 years. :)
:o gl with ur little assignment thingy :D
hf being free :P
me 2 :(
that should be a sad day toss... i love being a student ;-)

nevertheless, what degree and which course? congratz ;-)

me is finnished by the end of this summer too.
On wednesday I will have my final exam(oral english ezbash4me) and I'm gonna apply to uni LOELZ
2 more years to go
Free for how long? When does work start? Or is CF or whatever else you do in The gaming Industry profitable enough for you atm.
studying at univ= drinking = being free = don't have to look at anything = hangovers = partying = getting laid
so thank got i'm a student, except the hangovers
yup life was way better back then
ive got news from the future :D
1 more year for me, but i prolly fail this, so 2 more:<
Imagine, no more student-parties with naked girls and swimming-pools full of booze. What a great day it'll be to leave all that shit behind.
... so we can listen to more TosspoT shoutcast :O
gl in the big bad world :D
1 more year!!
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