jericho (or something)

so im bored and watching it now on the dutch tele,,, but i missed the first part of it (first episode),, and i saw several journals about it, so can some one tell me what happend / the general lines of the story e.g. aliens are coming to earth and eating every one OR SOMETHING !! not every detail...

thanks <3
im drinking every one OR SOMETHING beer
:/ kinda failed, because imy english = ur failure not every one understands me,, so i am saying it to let ppl understand that im kinda noob :x
harm I love you !!!!

prefer to hear it from some one who saw it...
the writer on wikipedia saw it too?
but here are more ppl who saw it, and more ppl > 1 person !
see ensams comment xD

nuclear bomb from terrorists(i wont they where they come from^^) gouvernements.... special chars have a bomb which is hidden in jericho.....its all around da bomb and the city jericho+ its inhabitants

jericho rocks!

ya my english sucks
dam ur making me curious , i want to see more !xD thnx btw
at every end of a episode is a cliffhanger...prepare to download the next 5 episodes or the whole series xD
for me it was: ive seen one episode and had to see the next instantly. so i saw all episodes nearly one after another every night
well i missed the first one already,, was typing on cf,, saw the blonde girl on the road, next to her car and all kind of thingys on the road,,, dont know hwta it was....but i cant downoad... my bro does it,, ill give him a job to do by downloading them ;)
chris jericho
boom -> ppl like wtf -> some rescuing action of a schoolbus -> ppl like woot, nice but still wtf happened
Dont like it yarly... seen it in english... but it kinda suxx
downloaded whole season 1, next up is ep04 :E
1) Panda told me this was good..
2) I was dumb enuff to believe him
3) I downloaded 1st series
4) Have to admit, all the sleeping pill companies will go out of business with this little corker around.
5) Realised I have to be nice and recommend Shameless as the best series show around
6) Recommended shameless to all crossfire users

failing that, look at yourself on the blank screen of your tv, u will realise you can be a star.....
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