SP3 vs ET

ive just loled irl. hard.
Since installing SP3 i have like 60-160 fps in ET. But it does only on servers with people on. It's quite a drop from 250-1000 fps :oooo

Any experience with it, any way to fix it?

If there isnt then im gonna uninstall the servicepack, so im basically just asking whether i should uninstall it right away or wait for random notworking solution :o
SP3 gave me an immense fps boost tbh.
+5 fps? :D
even less but I can notice the difference!!
from 999 to 1000!
Wat is it ?Give me linkez,i have fps trouble
dunno, only thing I've noticed is that now ET sometimes randomly caps fps to 60 since I've installed SP3
does sp3 allow dx10 if not im not installing :)
it doesn't unfortunately :<
nope and they wont do it propably, but heard about unofficial directx 10 extracted from vista into xp (but it is not recommended)
You and Codethief both have a Geforce 6800, that may be what is causing it. The Geforce 6 series or the card itself.
could be, I've experienced weird stuff with 6800 already, never had any problems with ati 9600, since I have 6800 all q3 engine games crash/freeze without any reason
no probs for me! <3 e2140 & x1950gt
Quit ET :XD
THis is punishment for lack of BSG comments from your recently. You brought it upon yourself.
the gods dont like me. I felt so sorry for gaeta :( I rly like him and what happened to him made me a sad panda. And Tigh is being a fuck (frak) :o
gaeta will be fifth cylon and gets a new leg, NP

and i mean it, gaeta is so obvious :P

but oh no, not sure, hera could be the fifth too :<
gaeta is just a red hering imho. Would be surprised if it is him. I don't believe the writers would make it that obvious.
the last episode left me speechless. I love the new very dark side of the show
I hope you're not playing at 1000 fps. And if you are, I hope you're not surprised your fps is steadily dropping.
nah, im playing at 83 but since its @ 60 half the time now i noticed the drops.
watch when uninstalling sp3 . i uninstalled sp3 cause it was shit for me too and my keyboard and mouse drivers disappeared , when i kept restarting my pc it was trying to install the drivers again but i couldnt accept to let the drivers install cause keyboard and mouse was fucked it was fun times. Had to fucking format to sort it out.
ah, win was like popping on me this "a new hardware found" after restarting aswell.
Works fine here since the day it released, just noProblems!
have you noticed the fps boost as well?
Well, kinda but not as a big noticeable fps boost!
I dont download any updates anymore after sp2. Any OS will have and keep their leaks, no matter what... the're just to many.
Instaled SP3... no (real) changes
I've experienced enduring FPS drops, too, since I installed SP3. Don't know if there's fix, unfortunately. :(
lol m8, dont install shits and learn for leaving exams!! tomorrow!!
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