Boring day tomorrow

Tomorrow i'm gonna have to sit in this council-room for the entire day. I'm gonna have to teach other workers how to use two devices, new projector and new document-camera. Ever seen document-camera ? It's one magnificent device.

Avervision SPC300

image: A46-4106-main-ca

And the projector then, the best i've ever touched.

Hitachi CP-A100

image: 000067_hitachi-cp-a100

Place it couple of inches off the wall and you're good to go. I'd sure like to have these at home. Anyway, this day is over in couple minutes and i'll go shopping o/!
me has to study every day in the next 4 weeks..

10 exams and 2 essays :&

bb et
you will fail anyways, so why bb et?
im no stupid turk...
Your not? O:
my school ends in in 1,5 week, bibuy
and no essays, no exams, I have nothing to do in this 1,5 week. So I'll be just chilling out somewhere and relaxing :)
im on my working period for school and i have to work till the beginning of august :(
Bah, I have to sit home and do whatever I want. Since the busdrivers are striking.
Meh, my life is so tough!
Never thought of walking places?
You mean walking 20 km to school?
20km isn't far for walking :P
How about a push bike? even faster D:
How about crawling?
Would take too long, unless you fancy doing it. But 20km isn't far :P
Longer then you think. About 1,5 hr cycling.
I've done plenty of 20km walk/bike rides so I'm aware how long it takes :P
Pandas riding bicycles, I blame global warming.
ye, tomorrow is gonna be hell of a boring day
No school 4me2morrow!
I wish I could touch a document-camera
It can always be worse dude,you could be working in a Bolivian tin mine for 20 hours a day.
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