vista sucks

ET crashes (dissconnects) when i minimize (alt+enter) or even vid restarts

an error message sayin like "bad ACPI function blabla"

a tip dont get vista, ive had nothing but probs ;[
poor guy
we know that
Did u follow the instructions in the tutorial thats posted on crossfire?

I will install Vista today, wish me luck =X
do that, sir, and I will have even more everlasting disrespect!
well, I had to buy a new os, so I choose the vista!
install vista and you will have no speed advance at all :P
we will see :P

First of all I am happy that shite thing is gonna boot as it should xD
People have to buy OS these days?
yup, I put myself a new pc together and apparently it won't be of much use without a OS. I only had windows xp recovery cd of the old computer, and warez aren't really an option =/
Well, not saying you have to or anything but there's loads of free OS out there to try. Also, if you buy a new computer that has an OS pre-installed (say XP or vista) and you don't want it, tell the shop and they have to refund you what it is worth*
Do you not have your old win XP cdkey?

*That sentence is based on the fact you don't use the PC once purchased, although people have had a refund after using the computer because there's no other way to check the licensing agreements.
I do have the old key, but the license of the windows xp says that I can only use it with the hardware it was delivered with (pre-installed).

I'm not really an pc expert, but afaik that recovery shit is like hardware locked, so it cannot be used on other systems (or won't run properly?)... And I dont think that in that case (after 5 years or something) I will get my money back :P

I've always only used windows and atm I dont feel like tryin linux or whatever free OS.
As long as you've got the key you should be fine.
I've been using the same 3 keys on my computers for the last 4 years (and I've gone through loads of hardware changes)
Just grab an ISO of the xp version the key is for and try it :>
Yea I will I guess, but since I opened the box of vista already I think I gotta keep it now =X
had no problems with vista & et :D so good luck
Hehe, finally someone with a good spirit about vista =)
I had no trouble with ET & Vista

In fact with this setup , Vista gives me most FPS :P

I dont got this crashes and stuff lol ^^
ye always when i play 3v3's almost everywar some1 gets kicked for that error get WINDOWS XP imo nothing else i can say soz :P
i cant format to xp, the vista install is like in the pc and install itself sorta... if i cld i wld switch belive me :<
thats 2 bad but it can be solved i think but it will take some time gl with it :)

crack xp sp2/sp3 and install it?
i have a clean origianal win xp cd with sp2... but ppl say it doesent work if you have vista inbuilt
Well, "people" aren't always right. And they are many exceptions in informatic :P

I think you should try, because vista is really fucked up. Its only a intermediary between Win XP and Win Seven that may be out next year. Just save your files on an EDD and go for it :D.

btw, my friend had a PC delivered with Vista SP1 on it and he didnt have any problem to turn on a cracked version of XP SP3
old news.
i have vista hp x64 and don't have problems with ET or any game/soft
Did you try tutorials section?
Windows 98 > *
is it a new machine that came with vista?
yeah mate

it installed everythin on its own, didnt need any cd's or anythin

also experiancing fps drops even if i use 1 core (AMD quadcore)
well if your going to rebuild it with XP there is a good chance you will need the SATA drivers for it and there is also a good chance that you don't have a USB floppy drive with them on? If thats the case download nlite here:
Then create a new ISO image of the XP CD including the SATA driver and you can also slipstream SP3 into that install as well along with all the CD Keys necessary. Then use nero or whatever to burn the ISO file to a writeable CD and you have a new XP SP3 install CD with the required SATA drivers built in. Any questions grab me on IRC
What if he doesn't have a SATA drive? O:
then he wont need to do this?
why the fuck cant i just use my win xp cd with sp2 and format like usuall? :S
because if it has AHCI on the SATA drive (which you want since it is quicker) rather than IDE mode then XP will not natively see the hard drive
for dx10 i'll have to get vista eventually :<

also, i was gonna buy a 4gb bundle of ram - xp only supports 2 ? if thats the case ill need to upgrade for that

question : if i install Vista on another partition , and installed 4gb of ram. would XP( when i ran it ) just use all it can from it or will it fook up ?
am not sure, but isnt it like vista and xp both only support 3 gb on the 32 bit version? I think you need 64bit no matter if xp or vista.

And afaik it just uses the ram to the max it can handle, it will still run.
it'll run fine but it will only see 3.5GB ram and not the full 4GB and yes the man above is right you will need the 64bit version of vista to utilise the full 4GB ram.
so xp as well will only se 3.5gb with the 32bit version?

if so im looking to sell my 2gb ddr2 pc9600 patriot ram for £50.

patriot ram + the p5n-e motherboard dont like each other.

ill get pc8500 corsair dominator instead:)
AHHAHAHA pwned i got vista and got the API function 1 time in a week or so
have it sometimes too but run it as administrator or something, it will work, atleast for me
granted its shit for ET but for everything i need its ideal
brzy u shldve been on coms yesterday when Danny "Punjabi" West sang "im your lady" on vent

hehehehe ;)
NEVER buy pre-installed packages, they cause trouble and trouble only.
could have told ya, dikketje

kusje *smack*
run it as administrator?
another one who realized that vista sucks
there is nothing more to say than: "If you plan to install vista - DON'T!"
old, you cant do vid_restart or alt + enter, exec you config in etpro NO in server. and use etmin
I can though
i tryed vista about 1hour,then blue screen pops up,well,after that i thought "fuck vista" and format c://. then installed XP and lolz,vista ruined my motherboard/graphic card so bad that i could not install drivers to ATI. took me 2 days to solve this problem... -,-

unplug every wires from motherboard for a 10minutes,then this problem disappeared. so my hint for you,stick on XP/ubuntu.

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