nasty qrys

For some days now i m frequently getting some nasty qrys of some girlnames with birthyear...

sending some links and telling me some pornshit...

as i ve heard, almost everyone got em...

anybody knows what that is and how to get rid of it?
lol started to get them today after entering some chan on irc :<
all the time its girls on cam stuff like that :<
btw as far as i know, its a trojan or bots :<
bot fo sho
but where do they come from?
from ze interwebs :<
they are bots and their links contains trojans/virus.
i don't know :<
but i got them too
it s fucking annoying shit!
same, 3 times in 10 mins
click the links
now 4th :'( wtf!
Quote16:04:54 | -N- (Broadcast) Hello QuakeNet! As you might be aware, there's been a huge increase in spambots recently. If you receive an unsolicited query with a link it's probably a virus, DON'T click on it. We're currently trying to remove these bots, in the meantime if you'd like to block their messages you can set +R with //mode $me +R (if you're using mIRC); this user mode blocks messages from people that aren't authed to Q.

But nobody listened to me!
I also get those qrys from polaks who are advertising polak porn sites.
<Tracee_Krista19> wuzuup im going to try something new. i am going to install my cam near my bathtub. ill be getting really wet and soapy! you can access my private cam hxxp://bulkyconciliategt.googlepages.XXX

BRB, going to watch this bitch get electrocuted O:
be warned.. i bet it's sol!
"banned from irc, HELP" journals incoming
<Un472> Im amazing....... its simple, just right click on tthhe link hxxp://lubricategd.

[email protected]

Stupid amerifags
Remove/edit your links otherwise you will get a ban.
Can you not see...?
im amazing too but you wont see me sending those links <=D
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