one thing..


is the best player in the world and i dont understand why people cant admit it -.-'
hi tosspotato
because he missed a penalty by being an arrogant bastard
Does not compute.
watch the penalties again
He always takes penalties like that, as do other players, it doesn't make him arrogant.
yes, he does. and no, there's not alot of them that do it that way.

if he had taken the penalty the normal way, i think he had a better chance of scoring.

he misses penalties too much for a guy of his status...

PS: 90% of his penalties are with the stop, in the lower left corner. and i could have sworn Cech knew that :)
first one having abit of fun with the ball ? thats being cocky if it works it works -.-'

second he had just lost the euro 2004 final he cried i call it pride, i recall terry crying tonight.
still, terry isnt a cocky cunt about it and fucked up. where as he is a cocky ego filled kid who seems to enjoy being a wanker
says it all.
a cunt for wanting his country to win? cunt or not you englsih will never like him simply because you cant take it how good he is.
lol there are a ton of talented players out there, they just dont all act like a retard.
yeh there is, but just simply not has good has ronaldo
talent !
x) he is a drama queen if you cant see that even, then its a shame.
did you like his oley on schansteiger and how easily he ran throught the defence?
he had a stage of diving hes matured now.

+only picking out hes bad videos =[
crying the new mature. he is a good player, but his ego is retarded, he dives like he is trying to fly and just ruins what talent he has by acting like a 12 yr old.
cba to talk about this tard any more but feel free to here..
like i said earlier crying doesnt make someone a baby or a retard.

i love him but im not sad enough to pay money to be in his fanclub site =/
it's more like schweinsteiger
too hard to spell his name =[
the life of a professional player perhaps?
He's hardly the only drama queen in football. Look at Drogba, it's even funnier seeing him rolling around in agony after someone brushes against him given how strong he is.
he has lucky vidic the pitbull didnt bash his head in.
i dislike drogba too but ronaldo just pips him to the post
hes just doing his job. Nothing wrong with that move, its how he plays. Nothing arrogant about it.

I think its sad how ppl judge him for crying after a big loss and how they judge him based on a couple of silly moves.

First featured vid on the link u posted was some video called :"is ronaldo gay?". I mean how sad is that? Im not into football, so im not rly biased here, unlike u perhaps?

EDIT: one player i do not like myself is deco, but thats justified cuz he plays so unbelievably dirty and acts like nothing is going on.
"hes just doing his job. Nothing wrong with that move, its how he plays. Nothing arrogant about it."

Firstly, that was against everton...there was no need plus it got him no where. that is the point of that.

"so im not rly biased here, unlike u perhaps?"
do you not think this whole post is baised or have you over looked that to try and make a invalid point on a matter that you obvious have no idea about.

i just dislike ronaldo as a player, he is talented but a total prick about it for example when joe cole out paced him and did a lovely slide on him, joe didnt get up and wink at someone about it, nor did he cry he got up and carried on.
80% of the professional football players dive or cry when something happens, i dont like it either but its just silly to hate one guy for it. U shoud be hating all football players....

Sounds like ur still upset about the worldcup imo. Any player would have done that, that doesnt make them arrogant.
ofc he is, and that's why he missed that penalty..
no1 here craes about soccer. im so glad sol's stupid poll just got deleted.
Hes a fucktard and deserves to be punched in the face.
when he got tackled by carvalho, I was sad when I saw his leg wasn't broken :<
Really,who gives a shit about English football
not about english football

so many ronaldo and tevez haters here :D...not caring much since ronaldo is the best player in the world anyway
ronaldo sucked tbh :/ wtf he failed today!
tbh if he did not have the good support players behind him he would be average.
at sporting he had preety weak players to back him up and he was awesome then (and i watched him week in week out.)
et is filled with players like ronaldo :)
talented players but cunts
gay fag

the penalty said it ...
...anelka failed =[
Because he plays superior against some low teams but shit against big teams
Just like today?
Well he wasn't as good as usually and missed a penalty.

And this was the first game in the season when he played even somehow compared to the games vs. bad teams.
you do know people are talking about Christiano Ronaldo, right?
oh really? I thought they were talking about rivaldo
psssht hes a nub.
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