remember .......(frag-theatre)

today is the last day you can still send us your demos for our very first clip

dont forget you are able to send us demo wich were even recorded 1 year ago, as long they are from offi's :)

thx your crew :)

#frag-theatre @ Qnet :)
I need you boo, I love you.
Good luck
This is gunna be fail most likely.
how many demos do you have?
well, more than 10 :P
nice to see,gl
At the beginning I thought it is just another good idea, which will fail.

But great effort so far: good team, nice site, nice presentation etc, but it's time to focus on the main idea and to start it finally.
gogogogo, need some more demos :D
gonna send mine ;)
gives me error while uploading each time in each browser^^ bb
soz i dont save the offie matches from 3 years ago :0
i has one kill with 3hs, k?
wow my hero!!!!!
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