end of an era..

school is over ..
i would always of thought that this would be the best day of my life but it was far from that, just realised how much im going to miss some people.

if your still in school cherish every second of it trust me ='[
its only over for summer, ur 15 for christ sake, or are u some genius that was placed in the 12th grade by the age of 7?
omg you talk like its the end of the world and you will never see your friend again!
why dont you meet your friends outside school during the holidays?
most of them will start working or going to different colleges -.-'
no summervacation? :S
people can work during summer no?
lame :P vacation is for chillin' and drinking beer 7 days a week!
second that
3 exams left and summer here I come !
i lol , 1 month left yet :/
i had the same feeling
same here²

will be even harder when you start working :D sometimes i think back with my friends and we are laughing about some old teachers (was a great time tho).
ur 15, not much of an era... but hey, whatever
He is correct
i ve finished my school at 1 juli,

after that a new school, another 3 years :/
i´m sooooooooo happy that i will never see those bastards again
that's because they picked on you cause you're fat :/
they picked on u cause ur tiny :D
im not that tiny :/
oh yes you are! :D
I'm guessing you have a college or something to go to though?
yeh but only 2 others will come with me =<
Soon you will realise that your "friends" are completely shallow nobrain fuckwits that you wasted too much time with anyway.
you must of loved your friends =/
One era ends another begins.
College > School.
3de dal universum?
You won't miss them.
Tbh I started work and made better friends, but I still see some guys from school!
just dont stop talking to them n shit lol, ive done that n im fine ;D
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