Omfg fkin china n russia n stuff :SS

Read that, watafak, we're all gonna dieeee, apocalyyyypse, aaaargh! :<

well, prolly not, but the situation's gettin tense now :S
wtf :<
Don't wanne read it all.
Russia and China are joining forces to develop a supreme nuclear program, so they can stand ground against America, who wants to build a rocketshield in Poland.
*Who wants to build interceptor missile site in poland
ye, rocketshield idd
Yay cold war #2 incoming <3333333333333333333333333333
plzzz chaina only know how to steal or buy tech...
they dont know how to make it by thereself
That's where Russia comes in.
Power games and willy-waving.
Medvedev is ascerting his newly appointed authority and China has found a new bandwagon.
The rocket shield itself is a fucking rocket shit.
america should destroy them both
america should get destroyed :/

I hope the new president will change things >:(
Well they can't be any worse than Bush.
Killerboy @ president?
Will be like fucking nazigermani 2 :D
I stand corrected >8]
knew that russia's new president is a retard, bush too
he's putins fucking puppet
ya thats great imho >:D
we're fucked
cancer is spreading...
Maybe the mayan calender is right after all ^^

2012 = apocalypse

don't believe all that shit though, but it would be fun :P
heheh funny thing you metion this, I look alot information up about this date. There are alot theories about what might happen. Apocalypse is the last thing I believe will happen.
I'm just using the word apocalypse to indicate the fact that the mayans state that something really big will happen then :)
I used the term Apocalypse in the way most people think about is as the end of the world. But yeah i am aware that apolypse originally means something like "disclosure".
russia and china are just showing the usa that they might have the bigger penis, it doesnt mean they have to fuck each other!
xD sublime.
GTFO fucktard
oh well world war 3 inc

about you:

- an austrian guy with a funny moustache!11
- prefered nicks would be hitleRELOADEd, Hitlertheawakening, HITler
- unable to control your hands
- failed at getting an invite to an art university
- able to speak russian or chinese

we give you:

- loyality
- arms
- winning the war
- fucking with our buddys who helped us winning the second world war against germany

querry russian government or the chinese democracy ( lololol )
ah cool, new material for a new pc game
why are you replying 2 days after the journal ;d
read the link somewhere
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