how to get HQ on youtube?

Hello, recently im uploading some videos on youtube. Ive got problem with quality. I used xvid, wmv but always quality on youtube was worse then orginal. Any tips to get hq on youtube ? please

edit : im asking what codecs should i use to youtube videos. xvid and wmv loose 30 % of quality after updating it to youtube, other videos are in rly good quality ,
if it looks bad on tube
add "&fmt=18" to the end of url
i know, but i mean , video looks pretty good on pc , after uploading it to youtube quality is 30 % worse then on pc
i think 29,73%
well no shit
Quote" Apparently YouTube stores videos in their native resolution, so by appending a few extra characters to the end of the URL, you can access high-quality videos instantly. I tested it, and it worked, so here it goes:

By adding &fmt=6 to the end of the URL, you'll get a video at a 448 x 336 resolution, and audio at a 44100 Hz sample rate. The video still loaded fast for me, and I was able to see a better video immediately.
If you want even better quality change the 6 to 18 and append &fmt=18 to the end of the URL. This changes the resolution to 480x360.


Regular video (320x240):
High-quality video (448x336):

Higher-quality video (480x360):

I'm not sure if this will work for all the videos on YouTube, but it works fine with newer videos. If you don't think you can remember those characters, you can download a Firefox script that automatically does this for you. Give it a try.

Might be old news, but still useful for anyone who doesn't know.

Here's the difference:



Just to add:

* By adding &fmt=6 to the end of the URL, you'll get a video at a 448 x 336 resolution, and audio at a 44100 Hz sample rate. The video still loaded fast for me, and I was able to see a better video immediately.

* If you want even better quality change the 6 to 18 and append &fmt=18 to the end of the URL. This changes the resolution to 480x360.

Here is the firefox script URL aswell: "

EDIT: for people who like uploading clips to cadred here's another guide for having the max quality for your clips:

"Youtube High Quality Hack

There is also a hack using total video converter where if you make an flv with certain settings, you can upload a video of very high quality and have youtube keep the screen resolution and bitrate.

Youtube High Quality Hack Settings Howto

Select what you want to encode into an flv in total video converter with these settings.
Sample Rate: 44100 Hz
audio bit rate: 320.000 kbit/s
Audio codec: mp3
Custom video bit rate: any
Resolution: any
Youtube does not offer HQ streams......
ofcourse they do, you gotta add &fmt=18 to the end of the url or click "view in high quality"
lmao, them calling the streams high quality does not make the high quality, aparently they are even still of worse quality then for example.

Stage6 offered high quality streams for example.
no, google video quality isn't better. and the fact is, it is higher quality than normal, so don't be such a faggot about it
First of all google video quality seems to be better as on I can read killpopups there and cant on the same videos uploaded to youtube.

Secondly I dont get how i'm being a faggot about anything. I don't deny that adding &fmt=18 behind the link makes the quality "better then normal".

Still saying it is high quality is just bullshit because it is fucking awfull quality. It is not intended to be good quality neather.

"Our general philosophy is to make sure that as many people as possible can access YouTube and that videos start quickly and play smoothly. That's one reason why you don't see us racing to call this "Super Duper YouTube HD," because most people don't want to wait a long time for videos to play."
why are you arguing, who are you arguing with, and why are you so anal

really, everybody can see that it isn't HIGH QUALITY, and the OP wanted to know how to get better quality.
I'm arguing?

I only said the youtube dont offer high quality streams. You are trying to convince me that they indeed offer high quality streams.

or did i miss something?
they do, its what youtube calls it so whats up your ass?
Higher isn't == High, don't be such a faggot about it.
are you using the same res as youtube?
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