Favourite Fighters?

Who are your top three favourite fighters? Mine are:

Ramon Dekkers: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3R4xtjl5b4
200 fights 175 win 90 K.O.
Bas Rutten: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qM71GuBMft8&feature=related
El Guapo!
Genki Sudo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlW0_r_japA&feature=related
Awesome fighter and very funny/weird!

Now, who do you like?
ramon dekkers 4 sure :)
bas rutten :DD
Bruce Lee. epic speed, muscles and moves
bas ruttin jumping mongol
Bas, easily. He's just out of control.

BJ Penn. He's just badass. And loves burritos.

Joe Son. You can't beat JoeSonDo! Well, you can, actually. Especially if Joe Son comes into the ring already tired from carrying a fucking huge cross on his back! And you gotta support the guy: he's not having kids anymore, after what Keith Hackney did to his nuts...
image: 895923

His power is maximum.
Not that hard when that is more than 10 years past his prime and having no expercience in grabbling. But Genki Sudo isn't a easy one aswell, admitted.
bas <3 :P don't know many though admittedly
dont really like that freefight shit (evan if i also have to train it sometimes cuz of my trainer :/) and sanshou > muay thai cuz china > thailand/indien :D imo
best mma figher: United States of America Chuck Liddel / Brazil Wanderlei Silva
best fighter: Israel Ran Nakash
i am >:D
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