et domination anybody?


just remembered playing that mod ET Domination (Powerball) a long timea go and searched on splatterladder and there is 1server left hosting that mod :D


i'M right now downloading the version 1.1 of the mod and wondering if anybody wants to play it with me? =) the developers webpage is offline and its not more updated but it was so much fun :D

download it here: downloadpage

hah lets get it going =)

if you dont know what the mod is like:
You play like normal W:ET but the objective is like CTF... you have a "powerball" thats like an objective and which you can throw to your teampartners and your aim is to bring it to some goal like in american football =)

bibuy :D

dom_muzzleflash (default value 1)
Enable/Disable muzzleflash

dom_drawTeamScore (default value 1)
Draws the team score on the hud.

dom_altHud (Default value 1)
Use alternative hud.

dom_hitSounds (Default value 1)
Use hitsounds.
set to 1 for body and head shot sound.
set to 2 for only head shot sound.

dom_drawTeam (Default value 1)
Draws what team your in.

dom_drawWeaponTrace (Default value 2)
0 weapon traces disabled
1 Only others weapon traces
2 All weapon traces enabled

class <s|m|e|f|c> <weapon #>
New command added for class selection scripts (or just type in the console).
s,m,e,f,c stands for soldier, medic, engineer, field ops, covert ops
weapon # is the same as the number in the limbo menu.

some youtube preview video:

gogo join #et-domination on q-net
one year ago i couldn't find any servers on it : )

i loved it

would love to play it with proper teams.
ye why not set up a webpage for it again and make some cups xD
I'd be up for helping with that, putty's bracket script included of course!
fuck cups tbhs

some games with some mixteams would be enough for me.

you will never gather enough teams for a cup i think....
That is really great mod. Though I will not play it ever again. Last time played against Vanhaomena and Morin a 2on2 in it, and realised that no prone delay sure is gay. Was great fun for a while though, I do recommend for others to play it, but not against Vanhis & Morin, cause you would loose. They are unstoppable =(

Antman hosted a great powerball cup some time ago too, you should ask him to create another one or copy his rulesettings, his cups work nice always.
ok gotta query him =) #et-domination so long ;)
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