dl My bands songs on iTunes!!

or at least take a listen ..

"vindra - the message" is up on iTunes on a record called "allt ljus på oss"

dl the full mixed CD or just our rock hit ! :p

Feels good to actually release something 4 real for the first time , we have worked our asses of for this .. :)

our page: www.myspace.com/vindra

or listen here : http://www.klicktrack.com/plugged/releases/various-artists/allt-ljus-pa-oss/11action=view&current=VindraPluggedkpskivan2008copy.jpg

X-fire helped us a bit on the way to if you remember ?! :)

My gaming era has ended I guess , dont have the time anymore to even play pub.. OMG!!

wish u all the best!

rock n roll!

/.gob@r ex. captain of team sweden ET and ET player in a whole lotta clans .. :)
maybe link?!

srsly dude :S
ppl can only look at iTunes if they dl:ed the program i think , but here u have our myspace page .. www.myspace.com/vindra the messege is not in player thou , only on the video of the recording on the page ..

there is links to it on myspace to several swedish / norwegian sites thou , and its sold on Elgiganten in Denmark . :)
Too bored to download
GOBAR :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
wassup old man?
hehe nothing much , trying to get all x fire users to dl our song from iTunes.. like 1 euro or smth .. :)

It was avtually on American TV the other day ..

we have to w8 and see if something really good will happen ..:p

hope ur fine ??
Bit of publicity for you there ^^
What kind of label are you on?

All is fine here :>
our distributor is plugged , www.plugged.se a swedish sony/bmg co operative lbl.

i think u can listen to our song "the message" here :
if u get famous and all that shit remember that i was there for you when times got rough
Fail music.
Hm ur opinion m8, ladda ner låten nu ffs ! :p
hm at least we have a record deal nup, all dont seem to think that we are failers!! :p
skulle aldrig betala för musik och det gäller ju även musik jag gillar.
Quote dl My bands songs on iTunes

iTunes SUX
loekino i missed you :)
I really don't get you. You say you have record deal, and shit like that (which btw isn't impressing in any way), but yet you have to advertise your lousy band every now and then by yourself? You should let your record company do the advertising, at least they don't start flaming every single person who criticize your music.

Everyone in crossfire tells your music is good, because you have maybe done something in ET and they want to suck up to you. Well here's newsflash: Your music ain't good. Actually I think even half of the ones who say it's good, don't really think so. You can see that too from your record sellings. I know I should post some constructive criticism, but all I can come up with is: Sell your instruments.

I'd like to insult the music more, but I save it for the real critics whom you might meet in the future(hopefully). Now I bet after I submit this message, I get at least 5 replies saying "fu" and similar things, but that's just because they wanna suck up to you, not because they like your music.

I'm sure you're great guy otherwise, but this advertising is just LAME.

P.s. If you're going downhill with the band, hold press conference and say you're the ex-captain of team sweden in Enemy Territory.
my god you're a retard, he's just happy that they made their first release and he wants to share it with us
hupoo what do u know ?! and everyone on x-fire dont tell me our music is good .. just read the lines..

We are not Metallica and earn lots of ca$h on our sales , we are 20 different acts here that get 1/20 of the sales, and most of the sales comes to the bands so dunno what u whine about , all I can see in your comment is just WHINE!

The only one I flame to is Crajsor, and thats bec of his earlier fameness of negative comments, nothing else , everything fails according to him & is the shit.. I luv him anyway thou .. :p

We play the music we love, otherwise I wouldnt do it, I know we are good in our style of choice , we are way better then many of the plastic acts up on the MTV today, we write our own stuff, record our own stuff, play our gear, need no computers etc ..

Rock n roll!
Ego. You have huge.
Most brillant comment ever <3
QuoteSo, bang-bang, skid, skid, nigger.

why'd you use "ain't" ? you want every single internet users to say "hell yea this guy is e-fucking-cool" ?
Why would you not start your post with big letter? You want every single person in the world to start writing unproperly?
i kinda like it.

it's a tad too slow and a tad too poppy for me, but overall it isn't bad at all!
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