Two problems to be fixed!

1) I have to decide which camera i am going to buy , any ideas? I've got about ~ 200-250$ ! EDIT I'm even interested in buying a camcorder , are there any good camcorders with the 250-280$ prize?

2) I've got a problem with ET. I had stable ~ 60 FPS @ supply and b4 , now FPS are not stable @ all. I even dont have stable 20 FPS , what's the problem guys?

maybe you are polish?
maybe you are busted?

ps : hi2u <3
fuck off m8 <3

I never used etbot, I logged in on the private forum with the account of "sCoot" :/ I don't belong on such a list fucker
some MDK or sony camera :O)

and for the second yea for some reason i have that too :<
always had 125 stable and now after few time playing i cant pass 40-60 ='(((
might be cuz overheating, old computer etc
some even blame pnbstrA/B :>
Turn off other wh
i'd go with a casio exilim serie's camera, have it myself and it makes very good clear and sharp pictures, it also has a very big screen
to fix your fps problem, go to your etmain and etpro folder and randomly delete some files
you are polish ..
nice joke! :D
you're smart
you`re womr!
Spyware, Virus, Computer getting to hot, Vid card getting not enough cold air
format/turn hax off!

random pic:
image: 1182a577
hmm, stable fps without a good camcorder are not possible. :D
LOOOL 280$ for a camcorder. Are you serious??
format c:
this always works
quit please
i don't see why people ask questions on crossfire, you know you won't get a good, mature and sensible answer :D.

my answer: format fhff:@@@ ?|KSD .......... see :)
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