What is your work???
24 May 2008, 09:14
Tittle says it all!!!
35.2 %
(19 votes)
64.8 %
(35 votes)
i wash buildings ^_^
just a reseller
but we also develop new stuff to the programs etc
and why would i be desperated? ms is one of the most known companies imo :)
I would be glad if i was part of it :D
but vista sux, imo
- Teacher assistant.
- Postal worker.
Those are my current jobs.
work at a self serve car wash.
as well as full time study ;o
If somebody dont know. Finland makes world biggest cruiseships. 360m long "Genesis" size dose matter.
Working there, pumping water from ship if it rains. Sitting near the pump and turning 2 switches in 15min.
This is the previous ship that Aker Yeard did "independece of the seas" it has it all.
for a minute i thought i saw porn star =DD
hi2u2 saskia, me having BIG BBQ like few kg of meat more few minutes :O)
enjoy your salad sandwich :>
and me waiting for my bf, me wants to foootlocker, buy some shoes and after that to lake chilling :DDD
hf @bbq
but he bought me the most gay and i mean the most ugly gay sandals xDDD
but i enjoy wearing them cuz its feels good :<
dont do the same mistake !
i wont do the same mistakes after you will dump him :D:D:D
i need some flips flops and i want to buy some sport shoes, so no sandals :pppp
and we might open a club for gay-lesbian shoes users :>
i once had socks like that ;((
burned them !
thats my real sister and i like those socks :/
damn you schneeeeeeeeee damn youuuuuuuu
www.theodor.kilu.de download coolio - gangsters paradise :>
any well my sister is 19years younger then me :p
bibuy food
my cat came to me with those big cute eyes she have and yell mewo mewo so i gave her few meat :<<<
now im hungry again ='(((
and working for some governmental organisation