need a medic // math exam = hard cock haleluija

i have this problem over a year now, after a football match (a year ago) i had a weird feeling coming from the the side of my knee, if i moved my leg back and forth (like a walking movement) i could feel something like a blob sticking, something my other knee didnt have, and i couldnt bend it over for a few days because it hurt alot.

I never had any problem with it after that, only that i had a weird blob on the side of my knee, until a few days ago, on a random moment (getting off the public bus), i just couldnt bend it anymore, i can only walk with a straight leg, it hurt so fucking much, i was walking like a robot ever since....

Im going to the doctor one of these days for xray etc... i should have cured it a year ago but i didnt thought that it was a big deal, and right now im really afraid of having to take surgery, cause in my opinion i dont think that its bone-related but a muscle/tissue problem, caused by overexertion or smth...

anyone ever had something similar?? what did you do?? need a medic
edit: had math exam today was like omfglolooroflhard

greek is easy yes
ffs we are not doctors !!!
and you rly should not listen to us !
go to a doctor and gl
maybe, i had a very saw knee cap, we are talking about 2-3 years ago, anyway i was seeing a knee specialist for quite a while.

I had to have two holes drilled in my knee cap :), one either side.

I fucked my knees up from skateboaring :<.
arme hammer:<
6 years ago or smth I had these moments where I just couldn't walk anymore on my right knee. It was like my muscle suddenly stopped working :D. It suddenly stopped though... never had anything ever since :l
:/ dunno what to say only that i wish u gl for this
doctor > crossfire
xray helps nothing( it shows only your bones nothing about muscles) ,imo should go straight to MRI ,since there is so many important tendons and coils + knee cap .

even though it might be 10x expensive I think it is worth it
i'm a medic
i'm a fieldops :O
u should have gone to the doctor a year ago.

maybe the knee-bone chipped off and healed (thats why the blob - the chip of the bone).
i think so too
its the same for me somehow. its not really hurting but sometimes it feels like i have a big bubble in my knee. and what strange is, that when i stand up and i got up in a wrong way, then it goes like *SNAP* and i think my knee is broken (like it moved away, i hope you know what i mean)

really hard to describe :l
does it feel like its a ball of nerves?
i dont know :<
dont sit hours @ your pc :D
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