building site v3

Can some1 link me to some good PHP / html / css tutorials (A)

O and also what thing do i have to use if i want to code something like
The thing with the fill in "postcode"and it will find something.

And is Javascript usefull for sites ?

Thnks in advance

Basicly i should master HTML first, then CSS and php is for databases right ?
And javascript is for ?
dont you guys have books about those stuff =/
like you need books the learn PHP / html / css
Eh yes , atleast guides.
Thnks rly helpfull ! xD
You honestly believe that you are able to build a professional website in a matter of seconds without having some decent experience?

Keep on dreaming my friend.

And yes, you'll need java if you are planning on creating a dynamic site.
Javascript*... Java is a totally different thing.. Yeah, you can build apps with Java and them embed on pages but hell, you don't need to know anything about Java if you want to build a dynamic site.. It's Javascript!
Thats what I ment.. I was answering on his second question. He'll need javascript if he wants to build a dynamic website..
no but at least build a decent site.
And didn't say i need to build it in matter of seconds.
I take my time !
make that 3 years
for a reall professional site maybe but for a random site like in my post it wont take that long...and hey im a fast student :P
morfine on 24/05/08, 21:03:12 PM | Reply

no but at least build a decent site.
yeh true, ahh well the thing is i need to build a site nice enough to collect my 150 eu and get a next assignment : P

php combined with any form of sql


yes yes no
anything from protection, form validation to ajax and other fancy effects
php + ajax
W3 Schools

Pretty usefull site, with lots of examples and simple explanations.
HTML, XML, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, ASP, etc...
K well.. thanks
Im going to master the full knowledge of HTML first ty
I'd suggest you go for xhtml now you're at it.
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