good morning retards

how was ur night? how is ur weather? what ya going to do today? :>

i slept pretty well but @6 o'clock in the morning some1 rang the hole time >.> about a hour he rang and rang and rang and i was too lazy to stand up .__.

well...after i fell asleep again and woke up again i saw a blue sky, sun is shining, and its warm outside -> going to the swimming pool ^-^ and than packing my cases for the next week travel to BERLIN! >.> that means every evening going to a pub and drinking + smoking shisha <3

nd u? ;]
testing Football Manager Live BETA huhu
going to play football with friends :)
learning all the day
sleepless night >.< (means going to bed much 2 late + then not able to fall asleep -.-) blue sky + going to work in few mins - hope it will be a calm shift and not as stressy as last days -.-
spast! /1 im bleeding everywhere dno why xd /2 n1 like wise sun is shining /3. beach /nolifing
Going to work in a hour, be tired afterwards :<
playing et 1day cups only today
care @ sun outside i think
very nice morning :) , slept nice while thinking and ... had nice surprises when i woke up on my phone :)
same here and Im also going to berlin (in 1 week) =)
learning, learning +going to the gym
good morning retard! wheater is nice, sun is shining and im going to oslo today.
y0, Morningz retard.
weatherz is finez, gonna go celebrate my bday party on less than 2 hourz
moaarning, wheather is shit, raining and like super big clouds. Will stay inside all day and study :/
morning, yesterday was good, wheater is briliant and going to see horse racing :D
uberwasted, played too much gigs this weekend. im installing et atm on my ibook, maybe ill paly today.
fuck off with ur sun is shinin, its rainy and cold here.
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