Hull @ Premiership?

Oky cya next season Chelsea :-DDDDDDDD

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PS. Wembley, 86,000, amazing!
stop making retarded faces when someone is taking a picture
one day it will stay and you'll always have that look in your face.
It's too late already ;-(
poor boy :<
lul, all are fat @ 2nd pic
hardcore hooligan, fuck yeah!
nice support :D
nice Mikeyyy ;O) ...UK is just 2 pro for everyone else in the europe. Its fuckin amazing, every single match is full of fanboys.

i guess you had a lot of fun 8)
chelsea is gonna get bashed by hull next season :D
We beat them 4-0 this season :x
get a sarcasm detector?
uwww mindgames, outbluffed ! :'<
who is "we" ^_^
i belive the blue guys who lost the CL final...
i didnt understand what you are mean, but i meant that tosspot use we like he played with them :D
The guy behind you on the left on the second pic reminds me of Malta toxic
Faky's little brother imo
ololo n1 :O)
lulz congratz
Why is Dean Windass on the bus with you? :P

Was a great goal, the match was awful and if anything Bristol City were the better team but it was a nice goal.
wind ass :D:D:D:D:D
I'd have to agree, wasn't the best of games from either side to be honest.
Just happened to be that we took one of the many chances and they didn't.

Said today that we have made an offer for a permanent deal with Frazier!
I cant see that happening, I reckon they'll let you have him for another year or put on a buy back price like they did with Rossi.

I know that its unlikely but I want windass to play in the prem as much as possible, that guy really is a hero.
He said personally that he isn't fit enough to play in the Premiership and then stated 5 names of the players who he thought could hack it; Turner, Ricketts, Myhill, Hughes and Folan. It's unlikely he will start. He will be a bench warmer at the most, same goes for Barmby I'm guessing.
Sheep, clean shave pl0x!
for the first time ever congratz =]
Stoke got in also!:)
I bet chelsea are shitting themselves after watching the mighty Hull yesterday :) Agree with Stu it was an aweful game hehe but congrats i bet you had an awesome day out
sheep !! u look hot with that paint on ur face !1
yeah cuz it covers his face :O)
rofl lol'd ^^!
dikke nerd
Is that your natural hair? x)
can someone explain me what is it? :/
Sheep's a gay kittycat.
You guys have more fans than the average big club in NL... Makes me sad panda :(
YOu can enjoy it only in UK, trust !

was pretty good match ! gratz Hull

hopefully we will see Nick Barmby and Dean Windass in EPL :D
Richard Garcia <o/

They'll go straight back down though :(
Hulk city
What's that shit on your chin!
Missed a bit!
Hull are soon to be known as "the team worse than derby" but meh, gl for prem hull

go Ipswich! :D
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