PB weird kick.

OK so i just got kicked for disallowed progam/driver [130446]

My first thought was np, ill just install new drivers and remove weird progam's right?
Wrong. didn't work pb is still being a dickhead. i never had this prob in my 4 years of et, nor i have never seen this kick before. google doesnt show anything. punkbuster website doesnt show anything.

if you need anymore info bout my specs, what progams im running, ask me w/e you want to know. except my bank account.
just ask and ill find it, cause this pb is really being a pain in the ass.

Thnx in advance!
format or turn hax off :o
im gonna need your bank account to help you
using cheats in other games ?
Ofc not.

This happend to me since this morning. anything i notice different is all those commercial popshitups.
vista? O:
Wouw so funny! how long did it took you to come up with that amazing joke?
Age: 15 ( 11 August 1992 )

doesn't tell enough ? :o
ive googled this problem before and i had tons of help, i bet you didnt google it
anyways this problem doesnt have a sure solution, it can be caused by serval cases, so either try to disable some procceses / programs runing in system tray and try play, or wait alittle bit / complete reinstall / updates from pb, it will be fixed one day
Windows xp.

Some weird progams;

NMindexingservice 4.212KB
lsass.exe 1.748KB
agian NMindexstoresvr 12.712KB

my CPU is @ 5-7%
im using 454MB.. which is way to high, im not running anything big
remove and reinstall graphic drivers.
complete reinstall / updates from pb

Ok lets try that <3
Wardoggie cut the haxs ; D love yah man idk I just reinstall whenever shit happens like that
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