Exams some questions

do you have to study now ?

what are you learning ?

will it be epic fail ?

do you wank more now ?
do you have to study now ? Nope

what are you learning ? Photography and mathematics

will it be epic fail ? Nope

do you wank more now ? Nope
yes @ last after the eurovision
yes, electronics, i hope not, nope :D
me to electronic :>
am fm mudolation etc
also digital communication :<
OMG! I've been learning FM modulation in the past 3 days (well... 3o mins / day :P )! Finally got around understanding it properly today, so I could continue learning for the the Communication Systems course :)

Next in queue: Electromechanical Energy Conversion (I fsking hate this course!)
do you have to study now ? I should

what are you learning ? Crap

will it be epic fail ? Shouldn't be

do you wank more now ? Should
Why are you learning it if you don't like it? That's what I never understood: I like what I'm studying at university, there was quite a wide choice to make before starting.Why would ppl do what they don't like? Ofc, if you're in high-school or less, it could be explained coz you don't choose what to learn...
Lol, this is where the phrase "grow up" gets a totally new meaning :)

Except my generation sucks balls and the 2 generations under already suck even more so /kill .
Oh, I know the feeling... My generation isn't too messed up, but I can notice it on the younger ones... And even if it is, if you're strong enough you can do things your own way, you don't depend on them!

Example , today I walked near a kindergarden and two 5 years old were like "HEY YOU , HEY YOU" so i was like "yeah ?" "GET LOST"

Wtf ? Lucky them they were in the kindergarden but I'd have slapped them both.
do you have to study now ? I have to, and as you can see I still don't do it

what are you learning ? Biololgy

will it be epic fail ? More like a moderate fail

do you wank more now ? No
no, nothing, yes, YES!
do you have to study now ? yes

what are you learning ? constitutional law

will it be epic fail ? probably yes

do you wank more now ? why should I?
do you have to study now ? no

what are you learning ? nothing

will it be epic fail ? dunno

do you wank more now ? no
do you have to study now ? no

what are you learning ? Sciences

will it be epic fail ? ofc not

do you wank more now ? duh
do you have to study now ? NO

what are you learning ? porn

will it be epic fail ? prolly yeh ;<

do you wank more now ? I let you do it!
do you have to study now ? I should

what are you learning ? english & constitution law

will it be epic fail ? I hope not

do you wank more now ? Why should I?
do you have to study now ? yes

what are you learning ? philosophy & chemistry (already done psychology/english literature)

will it be epic fail ? hope not!

do you wank more now ? yes, i'll be honest unlike the others :D
do you have to study now ? massas :x

what are you learning ? laatste jaar latijn-talen

will it be epic fail ? will be close

do you wank more now ? ofc coz of the stress
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