exams/study question

ok, it seems to me that i wont pass my exams since the field of study i do is kinda difficult if you dont do it in your mother tongue.

So i wanted to ask you if anyone of you had to do his first and second semester (= 1 year ^^) twice? I never doubled in my whole life because i was quiet good in school.

When you do/did your semesters a second time, will it be/was it easier, do/did you go to every course? Any other experiences?

For those who study: good luck @ your exams !

image: fail0at
I dunno, i'll find out next year just like you :P
I dunno, i'll find out next year just like you :P
i kinda need to warm up for a while for my studies, atleast after slacking and working a bit for some years, i felt it was a bit difficult to come back to study life and now ive found myself pretty much wasting one half of the semester.

but its really nothing. its just a lil extra time till i finish, but it has made me wonder wether i really am in the right line of studies as it feels kinda wrong if i cant get myself motivated enough to make it through a semester. but alas, everything has its boring points ;)
im so close to double up this year (2nd high school class)
coz of my laziness :D
Depends what I do in the next 6 weeks lulz.
After slacking for 5 years at high school and still trying to do the same now the next few weeks are going to be a real bitch to get enough points. I only started studying 2 days a go. =/

/quit cu in 2 weeks.
I dunno, i'll find out next year just like you :P
I'm still in high school tho :<
Supposed to be studying but instead taking full advantage of stumbleupon. My first two exams went crap cos i didn't study and instead of doing any work for my third one i started planning my haloween costume instead. My friends (3 of them lol) repeated 1st year this year and only had like 1 class to take all year, said it was a breeze.
thats cool. Thought as much that it would be somth like that. Thx for sharing ur XP ^^
np, hope you manage to fluke the exams :D
yeah thats what i count on :D
After I got ill during the exam time in my first semester and just being too lazy in my second, I kept pushing back one exam for half-a-year (we're able to write every exam once every semester). Didn't really lose half-a-year though since I was able start my "hauptdiplom" with one "vordiplom" exam left.
not possible here. We have two times exam times (january and mai/june) and the exam dates are fixed.
But i wrote an email to a professor that i wont do his exam now in june and that im going to do it as re-examination (nachprûfung). If i dont pass it in september (nachprüfung) its over and i have to remake my first bachelor-year
Remake? You don't really need to redo the whole year with every exam, do you?
not with every. Every exam i passed with 12/20+ by first try are not object of a new evaluation.
ofcourse its easier
What are you studying? Where? Where are you from? (Not like it makes any difference, but I'm curious)

The only thing you need is motivation. If you actually start studying properly, I'm sure you can pass everything. I would recommend to go to your exam even if you are sure you will fail, because you will get a sense of what you already know and how much more you need to improve. Do read through your notes at least a few hours before the exam. As it's said: you learn from your mistakes. If you don't go to the exam, or you don't try to learn anything for it yet, you will not learn anything.

Btw, it's the same here (Sheffield, UK): if you fail the resit, you have to repeat the year. I've barely started revising a few days ago, and my first exam is on Thursday, 4 more coming very quickly after that. For me, all it takes is to turn off the computer, hide it somewhere (it's a laptop), and start studying!

Good luck!
i study laws, i am from yermany and i study it in belgium (french speaking part).

The problem is not that it doesnt interest me (there is nothing more interesting for me), the problem is just that i passed my whole year learning the language and didnt do anything else. I didnt learn during the year (except january evaluation; passed 2 out of 4 exams), i didnt even re-read my notes. Now, i really started to work like a maniac from 7 h in the morning till 10 in the evening (since 3 weeks now) and i see that i cant catch up the gap anymore.

So thats just why i ask. I really want to pass the year but now it seems to me that i am in serious trouble

And yes the pc is for me the problem as well but i found some kind of solution ^^

Thanks and good luck to you too
Thx. Ouch, I can understand why studying law in another language can be really tough! My recommendation is: DON'T consider failing an option. If you've done 3 weeks of hard work, you must have done some progress. If you fail now, there's the resit. You probably will have something like 3 months to get yourself prepared. Use them! Screw the computer, fuck ET, throw crossfire out the window, and do whatever it takes to pass those exams. Otherwise, you're wasting 1yr of your life.

Ono more thing. For your resit: schedule your study. Allow for about 8 hours per day (don't exaggerate from 7 till 22). Allow for breaks. Go somewhere in the weekends. Make a plan of which chapters, which modules you will study in which days/weeks, and try to stick to it.

I don't really know, but law doesn't seem to be the place where you need help from other people (as compared to mathematics for example). You just have to read it as many times it takes until you understand it (in maths, this approach might not work). But however it might be the case where you could use something being written differently, so you might ask some friend to explain it in his own words.

GL again ;) and keep me posted :P
k thx for your tips, im gonna use them ^^
and thx for gl.

I think i am going to bed now to sleep a bit, i will need it :)

There will be another journal where i am gonna post if i passed or not, so stay tuned ;)
You wont have to redo your whole year I think... At least not if its the same system as in the Dutch speaking part of Belgium. Every class you pass, you wont have to do again.
normally it must be the same system.
But one question: i didnt pass one class in january and i have the possibility to do it now in june again. Im quiet sure that i will pass this one now!

Do you think - in the case i dont pass the year - that i have to redo this exam next year?
This sort of issues about repeating one exam or repeating the whole year, you should discuss with your personal tutor (if there is such thing) or some sort of advice section in the university or student union, or maybe even at your department or professors.
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