Alcohol with a sting

Bottles of liquor with snakes and scorpions!

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Would you drink this liquor?
asia is so crazy
Of course!
LoL :XX never =D
a bug in tequila is the most i can stand
in "mezcals" you mean :)
there is no worm in tequila
looks nice, but I would never drink that.
how disgusting...i HATE snakes :XX
poor creatures. :-<
well, if somebody had drank that, why wouldnt I? :P
i wouldnt drink it...
They had a bottle in one my locals with a lizzard in it
i would :D
my friend have an original taquila with a giant centipede :O)
erm... try the snake blood drink ;)
omg disgusting :C
I've bought one in Thailand with a young cobra inside.
My wife was shitting her pants when we had to cross the border and get passed the customs office... :p
I prefer gold in my drink rather than reptiles or scorpions.
goldstrike abuser
i have a bottle with care-panda in it
My mum brought me one home from Thailand when she visited.

It's got a cobra and a scorpion inside.

We drank some with jager on new years eve for a dare, thus inventing cobrameister.

It tasted fucking horrible.
why would i wanna drink that shit.. next thing you know they will be selling piss and tell you it gives you powers.. would you drink it? you fucking pissdrinker, yeah I know you be drinking that piss bitch
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