For FlyingDJ (ESL eSport Arena)

After FDJ made me aware of the presentation for the eSports Arena taking place this morning at my university, I took the time to take a look at the entrants for this architecture competition.
Even though I couldn't make it in time, I didn't miss too much. There were like a dozen of people and when I arrived someone was still explaining what this is about and what this arena will be used for.

Now for those of you who haven't heard about this competition take a look at the ESL newspost from back then:
eSport games are supposed to take place 2 to 3 times a week and on the other days the arena could be used for other not necessarily eSport related events.
Of those 35 ambitious students mentioned in the newspost only a few remained. Several ideas/designs were presented (~8/9; didn't count), some even with models (6), but only 4 students were present and thus able to talk about their design and the ideas they had.
And some of them had very interesting ideas. But sadly it's quite hard to explain these ideas without pictures, so I won't go into detail.

There were two photographers who took pictures and one guy conducted an interview afterwards. So I guess the pictures should be available online at some point somewhere.
Maybe FDJ knows more?
pm too hard? :)
No, why? Maybe others are interested in this arena too?
yesterday in german TV show called "Sportschau" they presented the winners of all FIFA categories for ~2min...i was like wtf? And they said its gonna be there more often cause FIFA itself is supporting it :)
esport goin to a higher level in yermany finally?

lets do teh mixxxxxxxxxxxxxx
NOT just an easter egg my friend xD
Are you talking about the PS3 FIFA Interactive World Cup in Berlin?
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