Need German help!

I'm suppose to return something I ordered from Germany, but I need help translation this text:

"Unfreie Pakete können wir systembedingt nicht annehmen.
Deshalb ist es notwendig das paket ausreichend frankiert zurückzusenden.
Wenn der Fehler für die Reklamation bei uns liegt, werden wir das Porto erstatten.
Bei Umtausch ist es notwendig in das ausreichend frankierte paket 4,00€ beizulegen.
Ein von uns unfrei zurück geschickter Umtausch kostet Sie 12,00€"

I'd appreciate it if someone would bother translate it.

I tried an online translator, but it was too mongo to comprehend.
you have to pay porto + 4 €
I got that, but what's that about 12€?
What do you mean with "unfrei"? Didn't get it.
That's what it says. I'm just quoting the text.
maybe "unfrankiert" or wut? :o
it means the receptor has to pay the porto
Unfrei Haus bedeutet, dass der Empfänger beim Warenerhalt Frachtkosten bezahlen muss, im Gegensatz zu Frei Haus. Meistens sind dieses sämtliche anfallenden Versandkosten. Unfrei Haus ist gleichzusetzen mit dem Incoterm FCA

but i have problems with understanding as well. Seems to me that if they send you a pecket back it costs 12 €, but not sure about this
But why does it say 4€? I need to pay the post office whatever it costs anyway.
"Due to our system we're not able to take 'unfree' (= the delivery costs the receptor) packets.
That's why you need to send the packet really postpaid.
If the error that lead to the reclamation is located at us, we will of course compensate the postage.
In case of replacing it's neccessary to add 4,00e to the well postpaid packet.
A replacement that was made by us without the right postage will cost you 12,00e.

Dunno if it's 100% right but at least u might get the idea.
All right. Sounds like I only have to worry if I want something in return – which I don't. I'll just return it and get a refund.

Thanks for your time.
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