An idea...

would it be possible to run a duel-objective doc-run on an et map... i.e.

Axis objectives:
Capture 2 of 3 flags to secure documents
Capture documents and secure them.

Allies objectives:
Capture 2 of 3 flags to secure documents
Capture documents and secure them.

Map can only be won when either team has 2 of 3 flag (or 3 of 3) captures and documents have been secured

(documents can only be secured when the any-one team has 2 of 3 flag captures)

and how hard would it be to script? :P
- ctf_multi
- sillyctf
yeah yeah i've played sillyctf but that's just CAPTURE3 docs...

ctf_multi has Doc captures providing a certain criteria is met? i.e. 2of3 flag caps
Would be nice ;D
You mean a map like darji, but slightly edited for competition?
too much tactic and too less fighting..
- what about need 2 flags to be able capture objective
- 3 flags means you get twice the points

sounds like ut99 domination o/
cool, would be like ntf then!
whats with your old comp map?
Didn't work too well in rtcw.
mp_depot, np
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