My et is sick 8(

If i try to connect to a server it does the loading bar thing with the worldmap and that shit in background and the map name you know, and when its done doing so instead of me being on the server i just get "Server disconnected for an unknown reason" and it doesn't matter what server it is, can't get on any =/

Help me :(! I know rafiki had the same, and if you've fixed it and are reading this, then could you please tell me what you did :D

Thank you all <3

EDIT: Ooooookaaaaay i got on a server for a split second then it kicked me and said "your ip or subnet has been banned by punkbuster admin" or something that way, atleast it included me being banned by a punkbuster adming and it banned my ip and something called subnet :DDD This means what exactly :D?
He asked me, I referred him to rafiki!
Please, something i would have figured out myself anyway !

EDIT: Notice that i did actually "ask perfo" and it resulted in 0 :LOS
my et pukes all the time aswell =[
damn you're ugly.
Thanks for the info :D Anyway you can always show a pic of you :D Im sure you arent better :D
Ask perfo.
<`wad-ag0n> mAvnaldoooooooo queres me ir ao cu es msm porco!
oh plx.. quando tiveres uma pila de + que 10cm fala cmg!
ok entao depois deste reply n falo mais contiguh cau =[
8( because you gave up on it for like a day its pissed. your own fault
don't worry , new medication on the way!
tea is always good ;D
sAs1 my sexy boy :DD but sry cant help you may as you said in the edit that you subnet ip got banned so you cant connect to any server ;)
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