poker blabla

so i was multitabling at partypoker , and i was getting jack shit .
had to wait about 15 mins for decent ( read top 15) cards , even while i was playing 4 tables. Everytime i do get good cards , i get outflopped by things like 10-4 ( while i raised preflop) . Then i lose a big pot with AKs vs J10s and i said to myself , WHY THE FUCK DO I BOTHER ??i go on tilt and the next hand i get 10-5 spades , i go allin , 2 guys call ( both with marginal hands like K7 etc but still far above mine)

flop comes As 9h 2d

i think , BIBUY

turn: 3s

river: Js

i rivered my flush and take a big pot

play poker irl imo
every saturday night ;)

irl poker >> online poker big time

+ i have a ownage pokerroom so ;)

image: simg3141fg7
2nd blablablalblbabla
true , to mutch random callers online
Nice room ;)
I feel your pain, grats on the hand :)
You just realised this? Anyone who takes poker seriously is a mug to be honest.
SneeK is een vieze pussy
poker sux if u play it too often...
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