Back from work

And my girl has just gone there !!!! She's a brave little angel
image: annaki4

Have a good one anyways maties
fucking crap webcam quality : (F
tbh she doesnt look like an angel :D not brave i meant!
how old is she :/
5 years younger than me ;) 21!!!!
and how do you know that ;p
she is my friend?:P
and another hint she has correct aga in her profile:D
QuoteAge: 22 ( 11 January 1986 )
Location: England
Gender: Male

you said he was 21 ?
she!!!! :D i was talking about his girlfriend:D
she is my friend?:P
and another hint she has correct aga in her profile:D

no info about her in his profile :p
i am feeling dumb =/
look, he said he came to home after work, an his gf was there, e put her pic and stuff:) and then u asked how old is SHE, so i told u about age of that girl from pic si?:P
yep, then you told me it was ur friend etc and had the right age in her profile, but how do i know what her profile is.
pl!!! haha Aniuska:) Widze Kamilku ze twoje towarzystwo jej urodzie sluzy:)
heh brakuje mi was obu, zeby sie na tesie posmiac:(
powiedz jej ze tesknie:) pl end!!!

she looks more like little devil xD
Aha PL detected! Seriously, is she PL? And you Fasolka, you are PL! Anyways, I'm really tierd!
jap, she is pl, he is pl, and me are pl tooo :D POLISH power xD
go to bed honey, if u are so tired! crossfire isnt a good solution for u then ;)
The polacks sure knows to how to get down and paaaaaaaaaartééé!
And yeah, only had like 2-3 hours sleep so I guess I'll eat some lunch and sleep some.

But just remember this Fasolka when you become Polands president.. I was the one helping you to success because I believed in you!
i will never forgot u my dear padawan! but before i will be a president, we need some plan, how to take over a world xD
then we wont have to work for long long time;) Oke i think i shoiuld sleep more. Writting crazy things ;D
hey ^_^ Zawsze mozesz z nia posiedziec ,Ania czasem sie nudzi
i gra w ET calkiem czesto.Ja za to pracuje ile wlezie .Czasem wpadne cos napisze na CF ale dopiero teraz czytam jakie komenty sa :D
No i jestem zaskoczony ze napisalas . Powiem jej ze tesknisz.
Zostaw na prv swoje gg jesli zmienilas jak nie to ania sie odezwie.
Pozdrowionka : >
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