Leave the Polish Alone!

I was bored when i made this so dont take it to seriously

There seems to be so must hate towards the Polish in ET.
I hate hackers as much as anyone,but Poland isnt the only Country with hackers in it,so imo the hate seems to be deeper than ET and hax n shit,so what is it?
I agree tht some polish are idiots but every country has them.
So what makes you hate the Polish?

Other countries weaknesses in relation to ET

Netherlands Full of 13 year old whiner retards

Estonia Full of robots who think they know everything

Germany Full of know it all's

England Full of cocky twats

So why dont we point out other countries weakness?

I dont have anything against any of the ppl in these countries im just makin a point

Sweden = best country.
tbh i hate the germans the most since they're mostly arrogant dumbfucks ôO

me != patriot :<
i know i somehow confirmed your point, but what else should i have replied on this bullshit?:o
why is it bullshit? if i'm simply annoyed the most by germans in the et scene, who act totally immature and arrogant? this is just my opionion kkthxbb

and tbh im talking of internet behaviour, not RL :)
i thought you refer to germans in generally, but in this case i have to agree with you :C
forgive me mate :ooo
nP, it's just what i experienced + it's _ofc_ not meant generally :)
/flame on
agree with crajsor
they lag to much, abuse the netcode etc. + they all hack
Thank god belgium has no weaknesses!
Poor rifle + panzer skills :p
Thank god belgium has no weakenesses!
High number of pedos?
the same as The Netherlands
ye like you know, youre polish:X
yeah I know, Worm, the whole Belgian overload etc.
Ok well, cant argue with you on that one xd
except that over 90% are as intelligent as my daily shit
QuoteSo what makes you hate the Polish?

99% of them have IQ < 20
I didn't know you are polish...
heh, mabye we are in that happy 1% who knows how to use remote xD
and u know this frooommm....?
malczik, gnajda&co, etc
+ 99% polish people that I play vs. who come to tingtingtingting with ridiculous aimbot settings and spam ;ASD;DL DLALOLLOL LOL IM PRO D;S;DA:SA:D LOO OLOLO 6666HEAD SHOT s;;as:AS PRO=ME

Don't worry, youre within the 1%! :b
now u make me happy:D
liek u can trust any1 on the interwebs... :<
lets not!
You are correct, but I'm not sure if there is any person in Poland left who cares about this whine.

Btw I play a few games online and ET is the only one where we are flamed for nothing. I would say THANKS to all those RTCW players who think they are really PRO now, because it's probably their fault.
u can't steal a job, probably dutch are to lazy to takes jobs which poles taking ;)
Wales full of epic flag cappers

And hackers != cheaters
Finland= nice guys at vent
lol they are stealing like every second car in germany xDD
i hope thats a joke now:> i am in germany rly long time and since i came didnt hear anything bad about polen, more about turkey ppl, here.
ofc its not every second car ;D
but lots of cars are stolen by them
but you are right,turks are much worse
about that cars, it was true, but smth like 10 years ago. Now i rly didnt hear anything about stealing cars Polen.
this part of Dortmund where i am living atm, ppl calling klaine istambul xD so tell me more about turkish ppl:)
i dont want to talk about turkish people, it makes me angry every time i do that...
gonna watch germany now anyway :P
i am watching atm :D
lol. nice. with nie i don't mean that you're living in one of the ugliest cities. but nice that you live in germany atm (not far away from me). anyway i play often with polish people and they are funny and nice. didn't met them in reallife but they seem to be nice and normal like others. for most people it is the easiest way to have prejudices. makes the world more black & white and easier to understand.
heh thank u for those words:)
I realy started to think, i am coming from the worst nation in that world, coz dont know many ppl who likes us:) thank u again :D
and where u living btw?:)
40 km north of you in a big city ;)
yeah i never thought that those lines i've written above will come from me but as you see.... ;)
most polish people are just retarded or lags or cheats.. thats why theyre hated NO WONDER
so why u dutch hire them then? Easy ruls - u want more money, or u are not good enough.
I <3England ,thy neighbour,im just tryna cause some comosion to keep me entertained !
cheeky bugger get that irish flag up there u piss eds :p
yes, i like this song too:)
France = botters , trolls , hate each other

USA = Lagging , retards , will eventually bring up the WWII and MILITARY POWER arguement when they are being pwnt untill you ask them about their happy adventures in Vietnam.
haha USA so true :D
best line to say to an american when flaming english

"Remember whos fucking language your speaking, retarded twats"
UNFORTUNATELY , According to latest news I am french :(

say french, they'll wtf.
i generally avoid pointing this detail out
I came to a conclusion thatFinlandFinland has no weaknesses whatsoever.
Perfect people. Great nation.
he probably left the finnish out because they are the combination of everything he said
Isn't that little far-fetched ?
sadly no, but there are always exceptions
Ye only weakness i notice is that alot of you look like children from Village of the Dammed
lolz :D:D:D
Some could consider that as an advantange in winter warfare
But are they really taking the jobs that you really want?They take most of the shite jobs in Ireland.
I hate some polish ppl too
nope, thats also not much. But we are just hard workers xD every job is good, if u have family which u have to care of.
like u know, we arent in 3rd world. And yea we are smart. Thanks for note this.
Ye same here,there good for the economy i suppose
Highest percentage of warpers-cheaters-morons. Thats about it.
so thats kinda stupid work is a dream job of dutchies? coz u said we stealing ur jobs?
I can see that if some1 is loosing vs polish ppl they say " fcking laggers or cheaters ". It's probably coz they have to tell someting to themself ' why we are loosing' and coz that will be thing with what all other will agree :) . I don't rly get that " 99% of them have IQ < 20 " if we have more scientists and our education is on higher lvl then your :)

Anyway I'm nice so care :)
i dont believe that your education level is on a higher level than that in finland olo
trust me, it is;) but most of polish gamers alr just bad in school - to much et ^^
I know it can sounds like ' ego ' but rly it is :p anyway I <3 fin so it's not about that i don't like fin or smt :)
oO scandinavian education systems are the best in the world tbh, never heard of a better east european education system
well it is, but here in poland we lern everything to med lvl and in sweden for example you lern 1 thing to be ' pro ' in that. I know it coz i spend every holidays @ sweden and I lol when 50% of them don't speak english :D it's coz there are more old than young ppl in sweden :) but I have to agree the system is better coz you don't have to lern other shit just 1 thing, However, generally our education is on higher lvl ;-)
most polish i know from rl are kewl ppl. Polish people here (most of them) are retards

In my entire life i spoke once with a fin and i have to admit, it was a cool guy (he was like 50 or so and came from some city called Malmö or smh). Finish people here at crossfire are 99, 99 % retards
Malmö is in sweden.
k so he was swedish and i have never met a cool fin
agree with u about retared polish internet users ;) most of them are blee:)
if u need money, u will take any job.
actually its more about the warp than about the cheat issue, thought im save in cod4 from them, but that was an illusion.
Estonia Full of robots who think they know everything

image: index_02
Dont take offence,Ireland is full of wife beating drunks who smell of piss
i just dont get the "robots" :D
i know what you mean, i have read fredds comments and shit and im quite embarssed sometimes.


just read the comment what he just made :D
Lol,ive talked with,hmm maybe 5 EE ppl in my life,and they all talk like Termintors

I was just makin up examples anyways
it's just hard cause of our native language, i have problems with being monotone when pronouncing english aswell. not the people's fault imo. if you meant that.
No,tbh i really think ppl from estonia have great english.Better than most countries
yea but mostly our pronounciation sucks.. atleast from what i've observed from myself and others :p
your pronouncing sucks because you learned english at internet, where you cant hear how you pronounce it, but only read it and pronounce however you feel comfort with
learned english @ cartoon network tho.. but i never paid attention to english at school so you're kinda right.
lol now i see what u mean, thats actually so true :P
i think you totally missed on Estonia.
Only thing I can think of about Estonia is, that most people are jelaous about their fellow Estonians.
thank u :*
I spy racism thread
we have one of the higest education level in Europe. Polish ppl, arent stupid. Ok mabye some of them who going to Holland ;)
i don't have anything against polish people as it stands. But i know that they are a large part of the community over here, and are lame.

there is a shop near me owned by polish that sells bongs, weed and booze to underage kids. Thats lame.

But don't get me wrong, ive helped polish people out quite often, like this guy that fell of his bike and fucked himself up.

was gg.
if he sealing drugs, why he isnt in a prison already?
heh, cos its good to get booze from him :D?
check ma' age ;D
Haha, thats ownage lol, one of the few statements i've seen here that state a polish person doing some good :P!

"there is a shop near me owned by polish that sells bongs, weed and booze to underage kids. Thats lame."
well, most of them speak broken english and are fucking retarded.
also, 70% of them hack since they have their own private bot.
all my experiences with polish people have been bad. absolutely every single time i've played them, they've either cheated, warped, or been total retards. thus - i fucking hate them. if i ever meet a nice polish team to play against, i'll let you know.
Might as well tell us that wont ever happen.
estonians warp more than polaks btw and werent you banned once ?
i know, i can never hit estonians but we don't really "warp"
and yep, i was - i went cheating on a pub with a few people, we were having 'fun' with sten. does that mean i have to like playing against people that use bot during war, even after serving my ban?
Well raUl does anyway
authentic, eliteplayers
to seriously
so must hate

what are you, polish?
No,i just wanted to be entertained for the last hour of work,and its working,20 mins left np
u cant say a coutry has this or that kinds of people. we`re gamers and theres always the same kind of person that`s retarded in the one or the other way in another country
Lol I agree there's no agreeable stereotype on this matter, but POLAND REALLY IS AN EXCEPTION, THEY ARE ALL THE SAME
no i bet there are nice polish people. maybe no gamers but i think there are some
no we arent :(
Im not stereotyping,but ppl do alot of that against pols,so i was giving examples of ways to steretype other countries the same
looks like there are some normal ppl on crossfire :)
oh dear, i understand ur english, dont worry.
And about our little 2nd world country - does anyone say that if u have a good education, ur country will be better and more rich? Thats not any rule. We can have smart ppl here, but ppl who owning our countrie thinking only about their own pleasures. Simply.
all combined you get poltards, nice try anyway
I think something's wrong with people saying all this things about us

anyway if you hate someone because his lagging at your game, maybe it's time to visit some psychiatrist
only one nice team was Poland Logitech with BAND|t, these guys never whined and waiting our playboys for over 30 mins without any comments , respect for dat.
There are only two kind of races here, beltards and poltards. Both are equally retarded.
you forgot about fintards :)
I do know that there are a lot of finnish retards too :(
every nation has them :)
aha. but thats strange, we were talking together, almost every day, long time ago, and u never told me that my english is crap ;)
but thank u, now i know this sad true, will go to corner to cry a lil bit. Bibuy ;)
Just take a look @ the bimbot list... 99% is polish.

I also hate french. Gotta hate it when a nation doesn't want to learn proper english.
because bimbot is a polish bot, i cant see any reason for an eu guy to buy an pl bot
nl & french list of hackers is bigger than the bimbot list tho
You , Sir , have raised a french Jihad against you , prepare to die.
journal should be deleted
thanks for lessons ;)
damn, that was march, in april you made a new record, over 110 cs cheaters

image: fins2zl6
i think only crossfire kids think about polaks soo bad, i dont know why, but i know some ppl who's workin in poland from countries like : sweden, finland, germany etc - they r workin on the street and what i have to think about them ? they r retarded cuz their et community is one of most hated ? no just i dont care about them, what we all should think about ppl from rumunia ? or smth ? they smell like shit and they are black or dunno what and they r punks n stuff? plz...
Quote by Wakizashibad English

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