Rapidshare SUCKS?!

what do you think about these fucking CATS!?


image: access2309276

Lol, it changes every time you refresh it xD

It's easy, cats sit and dogs walk. Buy glasses or something...
i got the code but its anoying if i spell it 1 time wrong or maybe 2 times^^
image: 8fe5d559eccc7a835744f7e9270fd

Premium account is kewl too.
398o - Takes a while to get used to but then you at least hardly "fail" at it :>
yes it does
not easy 4 idiots he? :z
slowly but surely i know how to get these codes!
lulz, It changes every time you refresh it.
easy bash!
rofl, buy premium. it cost only bout 17 € for 3 months. now u have a job,so its np; register sume paypal account, get sume money on it; transfer it to rapidshare and u can get 3 gigybytes a day without this shit.
no creditcart for paypal :(
no need, transfer from ur girokonto honey :)
i see that comes soon :D
strange im getting this

image: img_326fbb8dd7d8fe2d3e5b020465999df4
i guess your noob with math then :)

nice photoshop skill btw
its real....
then i guess my idea box just got empty, have no idea how you did that
what he said
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what he said
what he said
what he said
what he said
what he said
what he said
what he said
òÓ <3 _
no ä ö ü for sure
That's the point!
use ur drivers or r_mapoverbrightbits 2/3
die of aids asstaker

you must be pretty bored :)
get premium noob
get premium noob
LOLOL, I always shiy that! I never see the 4cats!
i WAS a big torrent-guy , but then i experienced the joy of 3 MB/sec without having to worry about seeders & ratio

RapidShare owns !
if you can't even read the ones from rapidshare, you definitally haven't tried serienjunkies.org yet
it's way worse
i fuckin hate tem :( have of them look like fuckin dogs anyway xDDDDDDD

i have premium :)

u can buy premium with 3 people.. i spend only 20zl /3 months :) it's rather cheap but so fucking usefull thing :))
i think its fucking easy and every retard should be able to solve this "puzzle"
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